Page 14 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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And then I’ll kick your ass.

His laughing expression didn’t surprise me in the least, but that didn’t mean it didn’t annoy the shit out of me. “Female demons are immensely powerful as you well know,” he started, closing the space between us and making it impossible not to hyper-focus on his luscious mouth, one that did unspeakable things to me every time we were alone. “But half breeds, as you may not know, are exceedingly so. They’re rare, you see. Impossible to create and impossible to kill. So, you’re something of an enigma.”


“Still doesn’t explain why you think I should join you. If anything, it tells me that you’re clearly at a disadvantage.”

The demon’s eyes sparked hotly and he lifted his hand to my face. Parting my lips with his thumb, he continued, “I should probably explain how a demon comes into their true power. They need to consume the power of other demons. Preferably strong ones. Something you have yet to do. Something you can’t do without my help.”

Consume their power?

“Okay, I’ll bite. Why do I need your help, oh powerful one?”

His laughter took me by surprise, and I struggled not to show it on my face. “In order to consume another demon’s power, you need to connect with them somehow. One way is to ingest their blood. This method is a one-way power consumption most demons use to overpower the other.”

That made the bite comment uncomfortably ironic.

“Ew, gross. No thanks. I’m good.”

Nova slid closer, his smile taking on a mysterious quality. “The other way is to connect physically. Or more specifically, sexually. The more you do, the better the power consumption for both.” I opened my mouth, ready to argue, but Nova cut in before I could. “And I’m far more willing for the latter, Lady. But to prove myself, I am willing to give you my blood so we can boost your power and not my own. It must happen in person. Not in these illusions I create.”

So they were illusions, and he constructed them. Good to know.

A moment passed between us, then Nova spoke in another seductive whisper. “Think on it.”

His luminous eyes lifted to the sky, searching for something for a second before he dipped down and kissed me with so much heat I couldn’t fight him. I couldn’t even blame it on him using his power. It was clear he hadn’t.

The second our mouths fused, I groaned and kissed him back. Practically frantic to feel the pleasure he gave me again. But then it all faded away and I was left standing, frozen, with two drinks in my hands.


SURPRISINGLY, A FULL WEEK HAD gone by quietly. No demons chased us down into the great expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, and Nova hadn’t dragged me into another one of his seductive illusions. Instead, I spent seven days despising the water everywhere I looked. Thankfully, I was sufficiently drunk enough on the cocktails Aidan continued to make us that it didn’t bother me like the first day on the boat. And when we made port, Aidan led the way to a nearby salon to do a little change-up on our present looks.

My dark hair was stripped of its color, and with my friend’s insistence, I went a bubble-gum pink color that oddly looked super chic on me. Paired with my usual goth-inspired makeup application, punk rock attire and facial piercings, I looked a little more badass than I expected. Bat in hand, I wasn’t to be trifled with. No lie, I didn’t think pink would ever be my color, but I was digging my new look.

“You look like Harley Quinn,” Aidan teased, gaze taking my body in with a long sweep, his lips lifted. “It’s hot.”

“Shut your face before I’m forced to punch you,” I complained. I gave my reflection another gander before fixing my fishnet stockings under a pair of mini shorts. Then I strode right out of the parlor. “We’re wasting time.”

“All part of the job. I doubt they’ll recognize you right away looking like that,” he commented, trailing me.

I smirked, put out. “They’re demons, Aidan. My looks have very little to do with how they track me.” I caught a glimpse of my outlandish appearance in a shop window. “If anything, I’m easier to find now.”

One look at my friend’s smirk and I knew he agreed. Likely, Aidan just used this as an excuse to do something different. But I’d humor him because, whether or not I’d ever say so out loud, the vacation put my head right.

Aidan dyed his hair darker and matched our outfits, finally taking my advice to wear something a bit more fight-appropriate. His stride was as confident as always, but it was easy to tell the new look lifted his spirits.

And that was enough for me.

After spending a week without being torn away from reality into a stormy sexual dream, I’d been given plenty of time to overthink every single thing Nova said to me, about how as a half breed I was a hot commodity. But mostly, I thought about how he could make me more powerful.

I ignored the fact that in order to exchange or receive power, something incredibly indecent and immoral was required. Not that smashing heads in with my boot or tearing off limbs was any less indecent. Or that feeling such overwhelming bliss when their blood and death coated my skin wasn’t as immoral as it got. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn’t live an upstanding enough life to judge anyone.

Surprise, surprise.

Still, here, I only fought the lowest demons possible. But with Nova’s help, I could defeat the big players—the demons who pulled the strings. It might go against my weak moral code to team up with a demon to do it, but I couldn’t deny how tempting a thought it was. The things I could do made his proposal pretty tough to reject. And why should I? What reason did I have to reject it? Human men were a virus, but Aidan proved not all men. So what’s to say that a demon couldn’t have good intentions?

Now you’re just trying to find excuses to say yes.
