Page 28 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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“What, do you need a blood moon and Jupiter to align with Mars or something?” I asked, giggling to myself.

Nova’s smile disappeared and his eyes narrowed. “Did the Shadow Stalkers disclose that to you?”

“Wait, what?!”

“How did you know it requires a blood moon and the alignment of planets in this world?” Nova’s face was devoid of all emotion, and I couldn’t help but balk in confusion.

No way…

Then Nova’s smile reached his eyes and the fallen angel bent over, hand over his stomach, laughing loudly. It was the first time I’d ever seen him really let loose like that. Before I could figure out what was happening, Nova touched my face gently and bopped my nose. “Just kidding. It doesn’t, but it does require some things, timing being one of them. I’ll leave the details for another day.”

“You’re an absolute fucking asshole,” I grumbled, crossing my arms.

The long and short of it was, it didn’t happen by saying some ancient language chant, though I had a hell of a laugh thinking about cloaked men babbling in a circle. Another suggestion that was met with an amused smile from Nova, but one he didn’t confirm or deny.

Essentially, a suitable replacement, one with a power complementary to Lucifer’s, was required. So, finding one could mean months, maybe even years. Which, understandably, for an immortal was no time at all, but gave us the advantage in the meantime.

What really killed me was that apparently half of the demon world despised her. Talk about making your bed and having to lie in it. It was hilarious to think she was so evil, even the entirety of the demon world was all like,“Ah, hell, naw.”

Enter Nova, who convinced the demonic population that evil-evil is a little too much for Hell, and now half of the demon world had defected to support him. So, Lucifer couldn’t exactly kill him—not to mention all the past lover history and feelings that probably still lingered. Instead, she would make damn sure he didn’t get strong enough to defeat her someday.

And now he had me.

Aw, this is turning out to be such a cute love story. Not.

I was even less enthused about his desire to make me ruler of Hell, but I was knee-deep in this shit, so I might as well go along with it for a while. If anything, it was a great opportunity to kill off some seriously horrible demons and get my hands dirty with their blood.

And that’s enough for me.

In his long, overly enthusiastic monologue, Nova made it clear he was pretty beloved in Hell, and many wished he would end Lucifer’s reign. Whether that was because she was evil incarnate or because they hoped to make themselves or the ones they supported the next ruler, no one could really guess. Either way, it meant Nova was extremely influential, and openly going against him put a large target on Lucifer’s back.

I’d seen enough king and queen dramas—ones Aidan forced me to watch in hopes I wouldn’t bash heads that night—to know that they couldn’t survive without the support of their people, no matter how powerful or evil they were. Eventually, the people would rebel.

Lights flickered on and off in a dimly lit parking lot as the car slowed to a crawl. My heart was already thumping with an eagerness to punish, but I held it together long enough to get out of the car with my chin held high.

Nova spirited around the car and brought me into his side like it was the most natural thing to do. His usual smartly dressed look was more mysterious tonight. Maybe because his tie was missing and several buttons had been undone, but Nova gave the impression of danger, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t appeal to me.

As we closed in on the heavily guarded entrance door, Nova bent towards me, putting his mouth directly next to my ear. “Remember our safe word, little bird. Tonight, it’s crucial you wait for it.”

I clicked my tongue, but couldn’t hide my smirk.

It’s time to play.


Glenn Has a Nice Butt

IT WAS SWELTERING WITH SO many bodies packed onto the main floor of the night club. My skin was already wet after only a few minutes inside its heat, and I ached to find our target quickly just to escape the dense, hot air. Despite the unwelcoming humidity, the number of people lost to their craft was impressive.

Both men and women were deep into their plays, Subs marked all over with welts and bruises while Doms held tight to an assortment of BDSM-specific devices to aid their endeavors to pleasure and dominate. I didn’t know enough to identify each device by name, but the cries of pleasure were plenty evidence that whatever they used did the job, and did it well.

Truth be told, I hadn’t expected everything to just be out in the open like it was when we strolled through the entrance. I thought for sure there’d be private rooms where some couples—and maybe the inquisitive few—ventured so they could act out their fantasies. But in this club, everything was in full view of any new wanderer coming through.


Of course it would be. Voyeurism was a thing, and after an illusion caught in the middle of the street, it was probably something my demon companion was into.

I side-eyed my companion, attempting to decipher the expression on his face, but he merely smiled like we were taking a stroll through the park.
