Page 31 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Getting to work, I drizzled my special soul-sealing powder over their bodies. I savored the mess I made, hoping it wasn’t the last. But by the look of things, I seriously doubted it.

Bring on the carnage, Lucifer. Momma wants to use her bat.

Nova had the last demon around the throat, who had the good sense to look terrified now that the entire room had been washed in his friends’ blood and entrails. There was a small smattering of blood on Nova’s face and his clothes were drenched in the blood of our enemies, the same way mine were.

Truth be told, I expected the green-eyed smooth-talker to somehow dip, dodge, duck, dive, and dodge any wayward sprays, but it was kind of nice to see that even the pristine dream demon couldn’t avoid the mess of battle.

“Donny,” Nova cooed, smiling in a way that would make anyone shiver. “I think you understand how little patience I have for talking tonight, and how capable my companion is…”

Donovan swallowed, his ugly demon face visible now, which was a mess of decay and seared flesh with wide red eyes. “What the fuck do you want, Nova?!”

“Information. Don’t be coy. You know where one of the Sworn Three is, and you’re going to tell me and my friend where to go.” The smile Nova wore was sinister as fuck, and it even gave me the heebie-jeebies. “And while we wait to see whether or not the information is good, you’ll get to stay at one of my state-of-the-art hotels.”

Donovan violently shuddered, his red eyes widening and his jaw left open. “You…you can’t. Lucifer will come after you.”

Chuckling lightly to himself, Nova’s hand closed tighter around the demon’s throat as he brushed fingers through his hair like he wasn’t in the middle of threatening someone’s life. “You seem to believe she hasn’t been after me since I left her side. Now, if you’d be so kind as not to drag this out. You’re not the only demon with information. Make me wait any longer and I’ll forget why I should keep you alive.” Nova’s eyes narrowed. “Or your lover, Glenn.”

I’d never been so damn turned on. I wanted to climb the gorgeous demon and fuck him right there, but I focused on what Donovan was saying for the sake of distracting my thoughts away from sex.

The last little threat seemed to do the trick, and Donny spilled all Victoria’s Secrets. Or in this case, Lucifer’s. “Everything you need is on my laptop. Take it. Password is ‘GlennHasANiceButt’,” Donovan said shakily, and I outright cackled. That password alone was literally the best fucking thing I’d heard all night.

Footsteps resounded on the stairs and I lifted my bat, ready to fight again. But Nova didn’t bother to look over, just smiled wider. “Those are mine, Lady. They’re going to take Donny here to his new place of residence.”

The group, which was dressed like a special ops team, came filing in, weapons out. Their eyes jerked over to where I stood, covered from head to toe in demon blood.

The shortest one at the front removed their helmet and bright blue hair came into view. The woman’s smile was welcoming. “So, this is the infamous half breed. Well, shit. She’s taken all the fun out of our evening, boys. Guess we’ll have to focus all that effort on our little friend, Donny.”

Donovan made a sound in his throat, clearly not as eager as she was.

From the sense of her and the rest, I could already tell they were next level demon. I couldn’t see her demon face even when I tried. Wary, I stiffened, not sure what to do about the newcomers. But Nova tossed Donovan their direction; he was cuffed, bound, and taken out before I could blink.

“I’m not the only demon who doesn’t wish to harm innocent humans,” Nova explained, emerald-green eyes sparkling. And without another word, he headed for the stairs, holding the laptop with everything that would get us to our next smash-and-bash location.


A Fellow Fan of Carnage

I LEANED OVER, WATCHING NOVA use his special software to comb through Donny-boy’s laptop. I didn’t miss the million and one photos of what had to be his pride-and-joy boyfriend, Glenn. Because not only was his wallpaper Glenn, but so was everything else—his lock screen and about a thousand pictures of the dude in different stages of naked.

Glenn was sprawled out over a tiger fur rug, his hand out like he was some sort of fucking beast. Then in the next photo, it was he and Donny in a very prom-appropriate pose. I’d seen a few 80s inspired photos similar to this one, but from the looks of the other photos, it didn’t seem like a joke.

People actually do this? Like, for real?

The thing of nightmares.

I had to blink a few times to take it all in. My open mouth and the horrified noise leaving my throat made the man in front of me literally giggle like a child.

Just two fashion-disaster naked dudes holding each other. Nothing to see here, folks.

Aidan’s obsession with RuPaul’s Drag Race and my inability to deny that I, too, was equally obsessed with that show taught me that this level of ridiculousness wasn’t gay-okay. This was a trash-fire couple. One I’d argued put all the others to shame. And it was made all the worse by the demonic deeds they committed in their spare time.

The second someone crossed the bridge to violence and exploitation was the moment they were on my radar. Didn’t matter who they were, where they came from, or what they identified as—if they hurt others, they deserved a whack with my bat. Those were the only qualifications one needed for a meet-and-greet with good ol’ spikey.

When it became increasingly apparent I was beyond grossed out by the level of lame, Nova chuckled huskily and finally had mercy on me by closing the folder and moving on.

Guess even demons could become grossly obsessed with their lovers, same as humans. It didn’t help that since the release ofTiger Kingand the evil uptick of gross, rich, white male politicians spouting woman-hating, racist bullshit, it was getting pretty fucking hard to differentiate evil humans and demons as of late. It made me wonder if that was Lucifer’s aim all along—to empower the humans spreading evil rhetoric so they could gain a foothold over the rest.

Sure seemed like it lately.
