Page 34 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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THE SECOND WE WALKED THROUGH Nova’s front door, my back was against it and his mouth hungrily nipped and bit along my jaw and neck. His canines scraped my flesh, and it was a sensation I couldn’t help but shiver to.

Sometimes, the fallen angel’s smile alluded to a darker side when his gorgeous green eyes caught the light. Something feral. Something primal. Something full of black intentions that lurked in all the green.

Like when he had Donny by the throat, fingers digging into the squirming demon’s flesh and squeezing, his eyes were full of dark malice. The usually cool, gently smiling fallen angel put out a potent feeling that was all wickedness. It promised eternal pain. It pledged sadistic violence. It vowed powerful vengeance. And I’d never been so damn turned on in my life. Then, as if it were never there, Nova wore the very same smile as every time I was spirited away to one of his illusions.

But lately, the demon’s smile had changed. Now the way Nova looked at me was hungrier and made my thighs quiver. My chest would seize up and my skin would tingle. It was difficult to think about anything other than his perfect body merged with mine. That vicious but promising smile of his was often the first sign Nova gave me before we met in a mess of limbs, kisses, and frenzied movements.

The look in his glistening emerald eyes was one that promised pleasure and pain, veering on Heaven and Hell. I’d never say it out loud—I’d rather swallow copious amounts of rat poison—but I was addicted to it. The sex, the looks, the secret message in his eyes, the mystery of who Nova truly was, they were all my own personal drug of choice.

Nova delivered on a scale no one had, and if I didn’t have a reason to stay in his sexy orbit, I’d probably find some ridiculous excuse to hover by his side.

The green-eyed menace’s hands moved over my curves, tracing my shape as if to commit it to memory. But we’d been together so many times it was unlikely he didn’t know every damn inch of my body by now. And like every time Nova touched me, my body surrendered to him in wanton glee, ready to be his in every physical way possible.

Luckily, Nova had showers at his so-calledhotel, which was really just a security building with prison cells somewhere on the fourth floor, so I’d washed the death off of me. True to form, Nova already had some of my clothes and things set out for me when I re-emerged from the bathroom.

So now that I was swiveling my hips and sinking fingers into his hair, I didn’t have to worry about smelling and looking like death. Instead, I could devour the fallen angel’s mouth like I’d been hungry for an eternity.

I tore through his shirt, stripping its buttons with a hard yank, and the green-eyed minx looked down with a sly smirk. “Steady on, little bird.”

“Oh, shut up, jerk. Like you really care about this expensive-as-fuck shirt.”

His husky laughter tickled my lips before he kissed me again. “You’re right. Carry on, love.”

I’d never tell him how hot his accent made me, but my hips twisting and rolling against him every time he whispered in that thick, accent-rich voice likely gave me away, anyway.

“If you fuck me here, this floor is going to get super wet really soon,” I sassed, sinking my teeth suggestively into his neck. “And not in a good way.”

“Plan to make a mess, do we?” The demon made a sound in his throat and huffed a lustful breath. “Someone’s hungry.”

Licking his bottom lip, I coaxed his mouth open and Nova groaned so deep it was pleasure between my thighs. “Shut it, asshole.”

His hand slipped under my shirt, and he ripped through my bra with one finger. My legs squeezed around him, and the demon’s lips tilted smugly. Working my nipple between his fingers and kissing my other breast after yanking my shirt up, Nova took quick control and sucked, licked, and nipped my mind into a mess. But I held on for a second, worrying I’d forget that we killed all those demons for a reason tonight, even if I’d enjoyed every fucking second of it.

“Rift, was it? What’s his kryptonite?”

The dirty blonde demon pulled away with a raised eyebrow, already working the button and zip of my shorts open. “You never fail to surprise me,” he teased, sneaking his hand into my shorts and sinking two fingers inside me so suddenly that my back arched and a moan fled my throat. “Rift is the strongest of the Sworn Three, and he’ll be tough to take down without finding his hidden heart first.”

Hidden heart?

I wanted to ask, but his fingers were so fucking talented that words failed me.

“He’s susceptible to my illusions, so I can get its location out of him. But I’ll need to get to it first, and that can be tricky. Rift can track someone by their power, and the second he latches onto mine, we’ll have a tough time outrunning him.”

“T-track?” I asked, stuttering when his fingers curled and an explosion of sensation hit my hips and thighs. “Is that how he found my—”

“Your team? Perhaps. The fact that he couldn’t find you right away tells me that he struggles to track you the same way he does others, so he punished those you care about to bring you to him.”

What a fucking piece of work. I’d avenge all of my fallen comrades, and I’d make sure the gross bastard felt every torturous second of it.

“And that can be used to our advantage,” Nova added before sucking my nipple into his mouth and finger fucking me into a string of curses. “If I had to guess, I think your half demon power muddles his ability to effectively track you. He needs a fresh source of power when it comes to you and me, so perhaps because you don’t necessarily use yours the same way we do, he can’t track you.” His husky voice, thick with lust, carried into my ears like he was talking dirty and not discussing a battle that may end in our demise.

Curling my fingers inside his silky locks, I dragged his head back and punished him with a hard bite. His white flesh reddened under the attack, and I enjoyed a brighter shade of it when I drew away and caught sight of his blood-red irises. His Adam’s apple bobbed and his muscles were rock hard against me before I was slammed against the door again and my mouth taken in another fiery kiss.

I groaned, anchoring myself to his back as the tension from his clever fingers still working between my legs collected in my hips, threatening to explode. Nova’s intelligent eyes danced across my face, knowing perfectly well I was on the edge. He slowed his movements, keeping me there, and I growled in frustration.

“Nova, you fucking bastard…” I complained, swiveling my hips angrily in desperation to throw myself over that unreachable euphoric cliff.

The green-eyed asshole clicked his tongue and chuckled to himself before finally giving me what I wanted. The demon’s tongue filled my mouth, silencing me, and his thumb swiped over my clit as many times as it took to make me come. Tensing up, I cried out, but his hard kiss muffled the sounds.
