Page 36 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Swallowing, I straightened my posture, still a little unsteady on my feet. I turned towards him and watched the demon’s intense gaze sweep down my body, blood-red eyes igniting with renewed lust. Nova’s luminous gaze followed every step I took towards him, and his body hardened the longer the silence went on.

“You have a lot of nerve,” I hissed softly, eyeing the man’s erection. “Who gave you permission to take my blood?”

Nova’s smile was sheepish. “It wasn’t my intention—”

“To take what wasn’t yours?” I interjected, lips lifted. “That was your only freebie, demon.” Walking past him, I headed for my room to take a shower and get ready.

A few weeks ago, I would’ve laid the man out with his head bashed in if he’d done that. But now my senses were on fire. Lust twisted my insides into a knot, and all I could think about was letting him do it all over again. Letting the man get what he clearly craved.

Nova had given me his blood numerous times, no question. I knew how difficult it was to deny the craving, and the fact that this was the first time he’d ever taken something without first consulting me meant he was head and shoulders above the rest. Even Aidan had taken liberties with me on occasion. What was one time? What was one little blood share? If it helped us with our goal, then surely it was worth it.

We were about to go up against one of the strongest demons in Hell. A little blood sharing could mean the difference between winning and losing, and Nova had lived up to his end of the deal so far. It wouldn’t be totally out of the norm for me to trust him a little now. Plus, I’d enjoyed it. More than I ever knew I could. The sex was beyond reality when Nova drank my blood, and maybe that was the entire reason he didn’t put up a fight when I drank from him.

Really, I should be angrier he’d kept this from me.

Fuck. I’m too far gone. Get it together, you sex addict.

I knew I was falling into sin the way I always promised I wouldn’t, but I couldn’t help how hot Nova made me. I couldn’t deny the connection. I wanted him to bite me and drink my blood again, and soon. The second I realized he had, it was a rush of relief to feel the pain—the pleasure.

My goals had only ever been punishing evil, and I was doing that. In surplus, actually. So, what if I indulged every once in a while? What if I enjoyed what little time I probably had left before I was killed off by some supreme ruler of Hell?

Because it’d be stupid to think we’d actually defeat Lucifer. Oh, it was a nice enough dream. We’d probably get close. Maybe. If anything, I’d kill off a lot of demons in the process, and that was enough for me.

I never thought I’d make it past seventeen, and the fact that I was nearly thirty meant I’d outlived my own expectations. So really, I was already dead when Nova met me. What was a little fun before the inevitable plunge into darkness?



A Rift in the Plan


THE SECOND I TASTED HER blood, I knew without a doubt what I’d long worked to confirm. The power, her taste, it was all the same. The same ashers.I tasted the powerful bloodline, knowing that Lady was still unaware to what extent she and Lucifer were connected. And while it had never been my intention to keep it from her, the moment our lips met in the human world, out of my created illusions, I found myself hesitating for the first time in thousands and thousands of years. I found myself wanting.



After showering, I had her again. I savored the sweet notes of her moon-painted skin. I celebrated the gorgeous arch of her body when I pleasured her with my mouth. The vixen opened her legs, begging for it, and I lapped up her sweet juices like I’d been starving for a thousand years. I explored her soft, silky center with my tongue, my mouth, my teeth and fingers. Whatever way I could have her, I did.

The pink-haired vixen’s back bowed, her voice sang, and the way she twisted and fought to stay rooted was addicting to watch. I hadn’t yearned so deeply for someone since…


Lady’s soft, even breathing warmed my naked chest, right where Lucifer’s corrupted mark was, and the thick line of her lashes laid flush against her pale cheeks. The mere sight of the two together had to be poetic irony of some kind.

I eyed the mark, despising the sight of it. Ruing all the days I proudly claimed it. Wishing secretly that there was a way to truly rid myself of it. But the day I permitted Lucifer to carve her mark into me would forever mar my flesh.

I was tainted.

Yet, Lady’s sweet face pressed against it, her lips brushing the painfully sensitive flesh there, almost convinced me that she’d find a way to replace it. It didn’t make any logical sense, but I yearned for it as desperately as I yearned for a future only she and I could have.

Transfixed, I watched her lips absently kiss the corrupted mark, unintentionally stoking the flames I’d only just put out. I closed my eyes and exhaled a lustful breath, very close to kissing her again. Just another taste to take with me on my next endeavor.

But my plans were already in motion, and I couldn’t risk any more distractions. I couldn’t let emotion guide me like it had when I fell for Lucifer. The stakes were far too great this time. The balance of good and evil was so disrupted that it could mean every living creature in the human realm was destroyed when Hell broke through and a war ensued.

Lady had proven to be more than I could ever hope for. She was beautiful, strong, and absolutely lethal. Her desire to punish was exactly what Hell needed. With her left to rule, she would bring balance back to Hell and true justice to the evil of the world. She was the last piece, the final step towards redemption, and I couldn’t fail, or I might lose more than I did when I betrayed Lucifer—when I betrayed the Heavens.
