Page 52 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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“Except she’s got Heaven’s Light,” the weirdly dressed dude argued.

The female demon shrugged, uninterested. “She doesn’t seem to know how to control it, so I doubt we’re in any real danger.”

“I’m standing right here, assholes. No need to talk to each other like I’m not. I can hear you just fine,” I remarked sassily, swinging my bat in warning circles like the rotor of a helicopter.

I seriously hoped that my power worked on danger command because I didn’t exactly know how to will it to life. Every time Icalledon it, nothing happened. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in the middle of a weird-ass conversation right now; I would’ve melted these two motherfuckers with my Grilled Cheese Power minutes ago.

Suddenly, Dr. Sick’s eyes rolled back into his head and he dropped down to his knees. His head fell back, and Madam Mayhem had the decency to look surprised like she didn’t know who they fought.


But that was my cue, folks! Time for this chick to get her whack attack on.

“Dr. Sick is susceptible to my power, but Madam Mayhem is not. You’ll need to stab this weapon into his heart if we’re going to narrow it down to one,”Nova had explained before we arrived.

“I’m sensing a huge ‘but’ coming…”I’d complained, smirking.

“But,”the shameless demon had said with a smile,“she’s clever enough to know what is occurring and will do everything in her power to stop it. Her power will be diminished greatly after the summoning of so many hellhounds. She’ll be weak to physical attacks. If you use this weapon, this special-made poison will paralyze her momentarily to give you the necessary window to take down Dr. Sick.”

Sure, as simple as that, Nova. No biggie. Just stab one, then the other, and avoid certain death while my demon companion was incapacitated by an illusion.

Not that I was complaining. I liked that I got to do all the slicing and dicing. Brought a smile to my face thinking about all the ways to hit the sadistic bitch with my blades. One downside to the entire plan was that Nova expected me to drink their blood again. I didn’t even want to think about it before I’d killed the two bastards.

As expected, Mayhem honed in on me like the clever monster she was, and I dodged her quick-as-fuck blade attack. The two of us traded shots, evading each other’s hits, and it was like a dance where no one ever made contact and we grunted a lot—not in the fun way. Well, not for her, anyway. I was having the time of my fucking life.

She was faster than anyone I’d ever fought, materializing one place and then disappearing. If not for the fear of losing my head, I’d take a minute to be impressed. But thankfully, my training was specifically focused on this little trick demons used.

There was a way to track their movements, and I took a few beats of my heart to narrow down her pattern. When I cleverly tracked her movements and the sensations around them, I appeared in the place she was going to appear next and sunk the poison-coated dagger straight into her throat. Her eyes fluttered helplessly and she reached for the weapon before collapsing onto the ground, immobilized to my eternal relief.

I was really expecting that not to work and to lose my head, if I was totally honest.

Like commanded, I rushed over to Dr. Sick and sunk the dagger I’d been given into his chest—a blade made with every material that’d corrupt his dark heart. I watched the life fade from his eyes before clicking my tongue, groaning petulantly, and slicing his throat open with my favorite dagger held in the other hand.

“You’ll only have a minute or two before his body becomes ash. You need to cut his throat and drink what blood you can. It’ll act as a catalyst for your power, giving it strength. Depending on what that power is, it may be the thing that ends Madam Mayhem,”the fallen angel had explained on our way to the city, his jaw clenched.

“What are you not telling me, Nova?”I’d demanded, knowing that unsure look of his meant trouble.

Steeling myself, I lapped at the blood pouring from the dying demon’s throat. Instinct took over and I sunk fangs into the mess, covering my face and neck in the thick liquid. I had to look quite the sight, but nothing mattered when his blood hit my throat. The surprisingly delicious lifeforce coated the inside of my mouth.

Then, not even a minute later, Dr. Sick disappeared in a poof of ash. I didn’t have time to wipe the ashy mess from my face before I was pinned to the floor by a snarling demon intent on killing me. Kicking up a knee, I tried to dislodge the naked vixen, very nearly getting my throat sliced by her sword in all the confusion. She took several bullets to the back, and I managed to get the bitch off me.

In a split second, I watched the demon fly at the offender. The bitch lopped Reese’s head off with a powerful swing of her sword, not sparing me a moment to get to my feet. I almost didn’t understand what I was seeing before the vengeful demon was back, trying to take my head the same way she’d taken Reese’s. Evading the deadly gleam of Mayhem’s sword, I barely caught the woman whom I’d come to care for collapse to the asphalt, knees first, before becoming nothing but fire and ash.

And the same feeling that started like an explosion of heat in my belly returned. A burst of light fled out in a circle around me, overwhelming every color that wasn’t white before it was gone and only my companions remained. The cracks in the street were no longer anywhere in sight. The bodies of the final two of the Sworn Three were gone. Everything returned to the way it was as if we’d never come.

It took me a second to realize Nova was standing in front of me, a sad smile distorting his mouth. “You did well, Lady.”

“Reese…” I said slowly, the loss of another friend something I couldn’t pretend didn’t affect me in a candid moment of shock.

Nova’s smile disappeared. “We all knew the risk coming here today. We’ve lost many, but it would’ve been worse had it not been for you and your power.”

“I couldn’t get her blood…” I added, referring to Mayhem, still rather slow to thought.

Nova offered me another poignant look and I swallowed around the lump in my throat, remembering our conversation from the ride over.

“Nova, what aren’t you telling me?”

The fallen angel had quietly sifted through his silky locks, eyes coming over to mine in hesitation.“For this to work, I can’t be there when I take Dr. Sick into the illusion, or Madam Mayhem will attack me and end it. So, I can’t partake in the feeding this time, which is an unforeseen obstacle in what was previously planned.”
