Page 78 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Love? Curse? What the fuck did it all mean, and why did it feel important? Why did it claw at the back of my head like a memory forgotten?

You’re losing your damn mind, Lady.

“Yeah…” I finally responded, a little slow to speech. My gaze strayed to the ceiling again, looking for another display of lightning, but nothing happened.

Had all the violence finally made me lose it like Ty said would happen eventually and even argued already had? Had I gone certifiably crazy? It wouldn’t stop me from demon hunting, but I might think twice about staying with the Shadow Stalkers if it put them in danger.

I might talk a big game about how I didn’t care about them, especially Ty and a few other assholes, but I refused to be the reason they died.

I owed them that much.

If I was losing it, I’d be doing them a favor by cutting ties. If anything, Ty would celebrate my disappearance. Probably a few others, too. Aidan might give chase, but with time, he’d give up eventually.

If I’ve gone full-blown insane, it’s time to move on…

Ignoring the nagging sensation at the back of my mind and my possible lone-wolf future, I continued, “Dudes like him can get fucked, seriously. And who are you?”

“Just a man hoping to buy this beautiful and somewhat terrifying lady a drink.”

He’d never know the half of it, but for some reason, I was different around this suit-wearing dude.

The gorgeous stranger’s smile nuzzled inside my chest, and I struggled to breathe. It put me on guard. I didn’t like how I acted around him. It wasn’t normal. And if there was one thing I despised more than evil jerks, it was feeling helpless to my own reactions.It put me off my game, and I always had the upper hand when it came to seducing assholes.

The gorgeous green eyes that first entranced me took a path down my body, and the look was overtly sexual. He didn’t bother to hide his interest, and I didn’t pretend not to see it. If anything, it got my blood pumping in a way only a fight did—a cat and mouse game I was only too happy to play with the gorgeous suit-wearing jerk.

Am I actually turned on right now? What the fuck…

I eyed his suit, confident it cost more than half the shit I owned put together. I’d seen Aidan wear enough to be unfortunately knowledgeable about brands. This one was probably made by Tom Ford or Brioni or some expensive bro brand like those.

Aidan had a real hard-on for Tom Ford suits.

In the exchange, I’d forgotten the reason I was here in the first place. I needed to find my ticket to the VIP rooms. A strong demon was most likely to frequent them, so that was where I wanted to go next. Serena and I had a bet, and I planned to make her buy me a fancy-ass dinner tomorrow, maybe even the last one we’d ever share.

My rich, very mysterious new friend looked like he had money to burn. Besides, anyone ridiculous enough to wear a suit to a club was almost guaranteed to have backroom access. I’d bet my favorite bat on it.

So, I turned on the vixen charm. I closed the space between us and reached for my shot, then downed it in one go. I made sure to slowly lick my lips and savor the taste right in front of the bastard. His eyes watched every second of it, following my tongue when I licked my mouth clean. For a second, it looked like red was bleeding into all the green in his irises, but when I blinked, it was gone.

He was definitely the one to watch.

Setting down my glass, I brushed up against him and bit my lower lip. I traced the line of his lapel with my finger and finally flicked my eyes up at my silent prey. “I could use another drink, but I’d prefer to do it somewhere a little more…private.”

His arm slipped around my waist, and he brought his mouth to my ear. “It would certainly be my pleasure to answer your every need.”

I hung off the mysterious suit jerk’s arm like the cute thing I was pretending to be, drawing inspiration from every rom-com Aidan forced me to watch, as we walked towards the back. I’d complain about how gross it all was later when I wasn’t hunting a demon.

I wouldn’t mention how good the bastard smelled, or how, no matter how many times I tried to convince myself wasn’t the case, I was eager to see if his hands were as good as his mouth clearly was. And I’d definitely never admit that I toyed with how unorthodox it’d be to have sex with him first, then hunt later.

Aidan and Ty were mixed into the crowd as we walked past. No surprise, Aidan had attracted a flock of hungry women, all who used whatever assets they owned to seduce him.

It wouldn’t work.

Aidan had even been approached by a few celebrities, and his sense of duty overpowered his boy parts. If I hadn’t found a bunch of suspicious “rebel girl likes to get fucked in public” searches on his phone when Serena and I hacked into it for a little all-American fun, I might’ve suspected he wasn’t into women at all.

Unlike the rest of the dudes gallivanting around in our crew, Aidan was married to his job and rarely dated. I wasn’t even sure he fucked all that often. The asshole had steel-clad willpower, and maybe for him, his hand was enough most days.

But wherever we went, thirsty bitches were sure to follow.

It made sense, though. The dude wore the casual-but-rich look better than anyone I’d been forced to chat up. Any girl worth her salt would know with one look every piece of clothing on him was easily worth several hundred, if not thousands of dollars. The bastard probably even smelled rich, wearing some bullshit like Rich Asshole with a Private Jet by Dior. Coupled with a handsome smile and fit body, Aidan could go toe-to-toe with Serena and I when it came to getting backroom access.
