Page 137 of Phoenix's Refrain

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I was almost starting to like Grace. I could certainly see where I’d gotten my spunk.

But I had to be careful. The demon might be manipulating me, trying to make me think we were the same. Well, we weren’t the same. Not at all. I wasn’t like either one of my parents, god or demon.

“I’ve seen how much a bit of emotion can boost a deity’s powers,” I said to Grace. “Or reduce their powers.”

“It is true for some,” Grace agreed.

“You think Ava riled up Khalon to get him to win her a big victory?” I asked her.

Faris’s penetrating glare shifted to me. “You know something too.”

“How does it feel to be the only one who isn’t in on the secret?” I asked him pleasantly.

The look on Faris’s face was all the answer I required.

“A victory at Calamity wasn’t the only thing on Ava’s mind that day,” Grace replied to me. “My sister has never been one for wasted opportunities”

“I see.” I nodded. “This conversation has been very informative.”

I stopped short of thanking her. It was dangerous to thank a deity; they might take that as an acknowledgement that you owed them something. Like angels did. Only deities were worse. Much, much worse.

Even after my parents left me alone in the garden library, leaving me with a knotted pile of knitting that had failed to amount to anything, my mind dwelled on the Battle of Calamity. Something had happened there. Something else. Something important. Something hidden beneath the surface and behind the scenes. I just knew it. Somehow I knew it. I couldn’t explain how I did.

I was sure there was something important about that day, and this wasn’t just about Ava scheming to keep Thea alive and making sure Bella was born. Something else had happened there. Some great scheme had played out that day at Calamity, unbeknownst to the soldiers fighting there.
