Page 147 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“They are powerful,” Inali added. “They killed the Immortals.”

“That’s not to say that the danger will pass once the Guardians are gone,” Gertrude said. “There are other threats out there, other beings of great power.”

“Any chance you’ll tell us more about these other threats and other beings?” I asked them, even though I was pretty sure of the answer.

They smiled again.

“Right. I didn’t think so.” I waved for Alec to follow me with the prisoners.

The entire landing party came too. Along the way, others joined us, including Calli, Zane, Tessa, and Gin.

When our very long procession reached the court chamber, there was no petitioner to be seen.

“Well, that was anti-climatic,” Basanti commented, bored.

We all sat down in our chairs. Stash and the other gods took up positions around the room. Alec stayed with the prisoners, and Harker kept close to Bella’s side.

“About those rings you two made,” I said to Leila and Basanti while we were waiting for…well, actually, I wasn’t exactly sure what we were waiting for.

“Yes?” Leila asked.

“They’re immortal artifacts.”

Leila frowned. “How did you—”

“And, by the way, making the rings is also the reason that you and Basanti are pregnant.” I explained to them what we’d learned about creating immortal artifacts. “The question is how you knew how to make immortal artifacts.”

“I found a formula in the library,” Leila said.

“If the Legion had any book with a recipe to make immortal artifacts, I would know about it,” Nyx declared.

“I found the book at Storm Castle,” said Leila. “I hadn’t seen it before, so I thought—”

“We made sure the book found its way into your possession,” Inali told her.

Leila blinked. “Why?”

“So you two would have children.” Gertrude smiled. “You’re welcome.”

Basanti frowned at them. “Why did you really do this?”

This time, Gertrude didn’t answer.

The dead silence in the room was broken by the explosive rattle of gunfire and the swoosh of magic.

I hurried over to the windows and looked out. Now, I’d seen a lot since joining the Legion of Angels, but what I saw now shocked even me. An armored female knight rode a black pegasus, carrying a very long scythe, like some kind of grim reaper. And that agent of death was headed straight for the airship.
