Page 54 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“Even Leda?” Harker posed.

“Especially Leda.”

“Hey!” I protested.

“But Leda is family,” Calli continued. “She would do anything to protect us, just as we would do anything to protect her. We love her.”

I hiccuped.

Everyone looked at me.

“Sorry.” I hiccuped again. “Calli’s words have made me a little emotional.”

Nero wrapped his arm around me and I nestled up closer to him.

Calli’s level stare snapped back to Harker. “But you aren’t family, Colonel. How do I know you aren’t going to drag Bella into all your angel drama?”

“To be fair, Calli, Bella is the one who’s dragged Harker into all her drama,” I pointed out. “And, from the looks of it, he has loved every moment of it because it meant spending time with her.”

“You are hardly impartial, Leda. He is your friend.”

“Which means I know him well enough to vouch for his character,” I told her. “And you trust Nero, right? Nero can vouch for him too. They’ve known each other forever.”

“Sure I can vouch for Harker. He only kills people who actually deserve it,” Nero told Calli seriously.

Harker shook his head. “You call that helping?”

Nero shrugged.

“I know you care for Bella, but I also know exactly how the Legion of Angels works,” Calli said to Harker. “If the Legion discovers that you are magically compatible with one of their female soldiers, they will order you to marry her. And where will that leave Bella?”

With a broken heart. I’d been so excited to see Bella and Harker together that I hadn’t thought about that. But Calli had. And one quick look at Nero told me he’d considered the possibility too.

Harker was silent. He looked like he didn’t know what to say.

“Nyx is in no hurry to find Harker a wife,” Nero told Calli. “It often takes years to find a soldier compatible with an angel. We’re not a very fertile bunch.”

“Whether it takes years or centuries, it doesn’t matter,” replied Calli. “It will happen eventually. In fact, the longer it takes, the more Bella will grow attached to him. And the harder the end will be for her.”

“It’s pointless to worry about things that are mere speculation,” Nero said. “Perhaps the Legion will never find Harker a wife. Some angels never marry. Nyx had all but given up on finding someone magically compatible with me.” He looked at me with love in his eyes.

“I’m happy things worked out for you and Leda,” Calli said, her tone softening a tad. “But most Legion soldiers are not so lucky. And it’s certainly not pointless for me to be concerned about Bella’s future.”

“This is a matter between Harker and Bella,” Nero said. “In the end, it’s not up to you or me.”

“That’s my point. In the end, it will be up to the Legion.”

“They both know what they’re getting into. Would you deny them happiness now because it might not work out later?” Nero asked her. “If no one ever took a chance on love, then no one would ever experience love.”

Calli was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. “Angels aren’t known for taking a chance on love. You’ve changed, General. For the better. If more angels allowed themselves to feel emotion, the world would be a brighter, kinder place.”

“Does that mean you aren’t going to stand in the way of Bella and Harker?” I asked her.

“I couldn’t stand in their way if I wanted to. Bella is as stubborn as you, Leda. She’s just better at hiding it.” Calli shook her head, and her gaze shifted back to Harker. “Take a chance on love then.”

Harker dipped his chin to her in acknowledgment.

“All right. Who’s up for a cup of tea?” Calli said brightly, as though she hadn’t just interrogated Harker.

She soon returned from the kitchen, holding a tray loaded with a steaming kettle and four cups.

For a few minutes, we all sat there in silence, sipping our tea. I could hear the ding of balls hitting aluminum cans—and the crash of those cans hitting the ground outside. And laughter. Lots of laughter, mixed with joyous shouting and cheering. It was good to have the whole family together again.

But then the shouts soured. Followed by screams. And gunfire.

I jumped to my feet and ran for the front door. Nero, Calli, and Harker were right behind me. I threw open the door and rushed outside.

That’s when I saw her. Bella was lying on the ground, bleeding out everywhere.
