Page 61 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“An angel is given great leeway when it comes to commanding his territory and everyone in it.” His words were possessive, his eyes glowing with magic.

“I wasn’t yours yet,” I told him.

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Pandora.” He tucked my hair behind my ears, his touch featherlight. “You were mine from the moment we met.”

He was so close, only a sliver of space separated our bodies. If I drew in a deep breath, I’d brush against him.

“And I was yours from the moment I saw you in my dreams, the night before we met.” His voice was melodic, drawing me in. “Something reached out to me across time and space and drew me to you.”


“No, not Grace. She only sent me the dreams. There are forces greater than gods or demons at work here, Leda.”

“Don’t allow the gods and demons to hear you say that.”

“We were always meant to be, Leda. The song-and-dance between us that started the moment we met was only a formality.”

I wet my lips. “A very fun formality.”


I finally dared to breathe—and brushed against the hard wall of his chest. His hands were on my hips, gripping me to him. My fingers scraped down his back. His tongue ravaged my mouth.

“Nero, I want you so much,” I muttered.

I hadn’t had him inside of me since we’d found out I was pregnant. And I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Climbing onto his lap, every moment without you is agony.” I ground myself against him in desperate anticipation.

“Stop it, Leda,” he whispered.

But he wasn’t stopping. His kisses had grown fiercer, his hands savage.

“Yes,” I moaned. “Like that.”

“We can’t,” he said, his voice rough. “You know that.”

“I don’t care about the rules, Nero. And neither do you.”

“No, right now I don’t care about any rules.” He kissed me. “But I do care about you. I love you.” He slid lower to kiss my belly. “And I love you,” he said, speaking directly to our daughter.

He slid up and kissed me once more on my lips. Then he pulled me into an embrace.

“I knew I should have thrown my panties at you,” I grumbled.

Magic flashed in Nero’s eyes. “Don’t make me handcuff you to the desk, Pandora.”

Then we both had a good laugh over that particular memory.

“How scandalous of you to make out in Callista’s living room,” a voice echoed off the walls.

I knew that voice. I glanced over the back of the sofa and met Damiel’s amused eyes. Cadence stood beside him, her hands folded in front of her, looking very serene.

“What do you want, Damiel?” Nero demanded.

“You don’t look very happy to see me,” Damiel said.

“How observant of you.”
