Page 81 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“The angelic mother of the archangel General Nero Windstriker…”

Oh, good, we’re doing Nero again,I said to Cadence. He’d be glad that he’s the only one who gets mentioned twice.

Cadence’s laughter rang in my mind. Leda, behave yourself, or I won’t be able to.

“…the former Angel of New York and the former Angel of the East Coast of North America.”

The sergeant was breathing again. Then he set off once more. “This Angels’ Court is presided, thirdly, by Captain Andromeda Singh, the wife of the angel Colonel Vanir Dragonblood, the Angel of South Europe, the Angel of Crystal Falls, and the Hero of Hellas.”

Andromeda’s rogue angel father didn’t warrant mention. Damiel, who’d also once been called traitor, had only been included because it turned out that whole treachery thing had been a total misunderstanding. I wondered how often that happened in the Legion.

“This Angels’ Court is presided, fourthly, by Lieutenant Alice Jones, the wife of the angel Colonel Xerxes Fireswift, the Angel of the Central Territory of North America, the Master Interrogator, the Angel of Order…”

No wonder Fireswift didn’t like me, the Angel of Chaos.

“…and the Champion of the Gods.”

Colonel Fireswift must have been granted that lofty title because Faris had liked how he’d performed in the Gods’ Trials.

“The mother of the angel Lieutenant Colonel Jace Angelblood, the Angel of the South Territory of North America and the Bearer of the Vortex Blade.”

The Vortex Blade was one of four components from the weapons of heaven and hell. The official story was Jace had used the sword to slay a demon, but I’d actually been the one to charge the sword with my magic. Jace knew it, but I’d made him promise not to tell anyone because, at the time, I hadn’t wanted to admit that I had that kind of power. The point was kind of moot nowadays since most people knew I was Faris’s daughter and could therefore wield immortal artifacts. Plus I was an angel now too.

After several minutes of lengthly introductions, the sergeant had finally finished introducing us. He stepped aside.

“The Angels’ Court may now commence,” I declared.

The doors to the Court Chamber opened, and our first petitioner entered.
