Page 88 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“There what is?”

“The real reason you’re coming to New Orleans—and why you called ahead.”

“What, I can’t stop by to see my old friend Jace and spread the Legion’s benevolence and love to the people of his territory?”

“Not really. No. You always have a plan.”

“Well, now that you mention it…”

“Spit it out, Leda,” Jace sighed.

“There’s someone in your territory that I need to speak to,” I told him. “An expert of sorts.”

“An expert on what?”

“Immortal artifacts.”

“I wasn’t aware there was an expert on immortal artifacts living in my territory.” His eyes were alight with calculation.

“Right, and it would be best if you remained unaware of it.”

“That will be difficult now, considering that you just told me, Leda.”

“I told my friend Jace. Not the angel Lieutenant Colonel Angelblood.”

He sighed. “I take it back, Leda. You haven’t changed a bit.”

I pressed my finger to my lips. “Shh. Don’t tell Nyx, or she’ll put me back in remedial angel lessons.”

The truth was, though, I had learned something from Colonel Fireswift’s training. I knew that I had to speak differently to different angels. For some, angel decorum had to be observed, but not with Jace. Jace was a pal. He’d been right there with me from day one of Legion training—first as rivals, then as reluctant colleagues, then finally as friends.

“Ok, I won’t whisper a word to Angelblood,” Jace agreed. “So who is this expert of undisclosed mysteries?”

“Her name is Arina, but the less you know, the better it is for you. I’ll come and hold my Angels’ Court over your city tomorrow. Issue a notice for petitions. I can’t fly this airship all the way there without a reason, after all. I’ll pay Arina a visit myself, after the Court has adjourned for the day.”

“The First Angel wants you to stay put on that airship,” Jace reminded me.

“Hey this is me, remember? The Angel of Chaos.” I winked at him. “Somehow I’ll find a way to go to Arina while remaining on board.”
