Page 94 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“Then how did this happen?” I asked.

Basanti shook her head. “We have no idea.”

“Because typically to get a baby, a man and a woman—”

“Thank you, Professor Pandora,” Basanti cut me off. “We all know how babies are made.”

“Well, apparently, you don’t know how these babies were made,” I pointed out.

“According to Ivy’s tests, the babies are the biological product of Basanti and myself,” Leila said.

“And these experiments you were running…”

“Were strictly about the magic of the Earth’s weather and elements,” said Leila. “It did not involve our DNA or test tubes.”

“There’s more,” Basanti said. “According to Ivy, we’re both nearly two months pregnant.”

“The same as all of you,” Leila added.

“This is just getting weirder and weirder,” I said to Cadence.

“Indeed,” she agreed. “First, we all come down with the Fever and all get pregnant in the same cycle.”

“And now Leila and Basanti got each other pregnant,” I said. “Has that ever happened before?”

Cadence shook her head. “No.”

Basanti looked at me, her eyes narrowed. “I blame Leda.”

“Why me?”

“You started this. It must be contagious.”

“I’m pretty sure pregnancy is not contagious,” I laughed.

“When you do it, it is.”

My smile wobbled. “I don’t even know what that means.”

“You’re the Angel of Chaos. The laws of nature get all wonky whenever you’re around.”

“True. Maybe we should quarantine her. Before this spreads further.” Leila winked at me.

“I’m already effectively quarantined,” I sighed. “And so are all of you, here in our gilded airship guarded by gods and elite Vanguard soldiers.”

“This is truly fascinating. So many angel offspring conceived at once. And now the two of you.” There was a spark of academic delight in Cadence’s eyes. She looked liked she wanted to throw on a lab coat and figure this all out.

“Your pregnancies are truly a miracle,” I told Basanti and Leila.

Basanti sat down beside me. “Tell it to my queasy stomach.”

I patted her back. “You know what helps with that? Cake. Lots of cake.”

“You should not give nutritional advice to anyone, Pandora,” Basanti said with wary eyes.

“You’re just grumpy because you’re pregnant, so Nyx exiled you to hide away here just like the rest of us,” I told her, smiling. “But at least you and Leila get to spend time with each other. We haven’t seen our husbands in days. It could be weeks before we do. Or maybe months.”

“The Angel of Chaos has a point,” Leila said to Basanti.
