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"Whatever you say, Gandy."

Quinn’s brows crashed together. "Gandy?"

"He's a male underwear model with piercing blue eyes and dark hair who turns every sidewalk his feet touch into a catwalk."

"And you think he might be my long-lost brother?"

"Thank you for proving my point," I said. "Only someone who thought they were the center of the universe would say something like that."

Quinn pouted. "I don't want to be the center of the universe."

I lifted my glass, pausing before I brought it to my lips. "What do you want?" I took a slow sip and waited for his answer.

"I want to be the center of your universe."

I failed to suppress my smile. "Cheesy."

He raised his palms. "Hey, you asked."

I kept my eyes on his and wondered if he could sense the drunken butterflies driving bumper cars in my belly.

"What do you want?" he asked, narrowing his gaze.

"A kitten for everyone and to eat all the cinnamon rolls I want without getting fat."

His lips flattened into a straight line. "I can't do much about the kittens."

I laughed. "You said that like the cinnamon roll wish is reasonable."

"I don't know about reasonable, but it's doable."

I squinted at him and leaned forward. "And how exactly do you propose to grant that wish?"

"By helping you burn them off," he said, his eyes flashing. "One lick of icing at a time."
