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"The day I rearranged my kingdom for you."

She bit back a smile.

"I relapsed, obviously, like all rebel princes are wont to do."

"Now you're a rebel prince?"

"It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"How do you know you won't rebel again?'

"Because,” I said. “Like I just told you, I know what I want now so there can't be any confusion."

"What if you forget?"

"I won't. I put a picture of you in the middle of my vision board."

She glared at me. "Smartass."

"It's only a headshot, but I'd really like to replace it with a photo of you in your birthday suit if you can find time to pose for me."

"You're an animal."

"I'd suggest next weekend, but I already made plans for us."

"Is that so?" she asked, tilting her head.

"We're taking James to the race track."

"To Arlington?"

I set my hands flush against her hips, resisting the urge to cut the conversation short. "I figured a day of friendly, al fresco betting is the perfect way to welcome him home. Plus, it’ll be good to keep him distracted while he gets used to the idea of me taking you everywhere."

"Not the worst idea you've ever had."

"Also, I think it's about time you did a blog post about summer hats."

Her eyes popped wide. "You do?"

"Of course," I said seriously. "Consider it your first reader request."

She scoffed but then paused. "Hey, that's not a bad idea either."

I shrugged. "Guess I'm on a roll tonight."

"You are!" she said. "Got any more?"


She laughed. "I walked right into that."

"Shame," I said. "Would've loved for you to crawl. Preferably on your knees."

She shook her head, but her smile spread reached her eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"

I pushed her hair away from her face, admiring the way the edges of her silhouette glowed from the TV behind her. "Surprise me."
