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- Lucy -

I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he stood over me, his swollen dick nearly bursting out of his pants. I couldn’t believe his body was having that reaction to me.

He smiled at me. It was a soft smile, a safe smile. A total contradiction to the imminent danger I felt when I stole another glance at his raging hard on.

He wrapped his fingers around the edge of his shirt and pulled it over his head. The dim light from the city outside cast shadows in all the right places on his toned chest, and I wanted to touch him, to drag my fingers over the ripples of his skin, to run my hands through the tease of hair on his chest.

Normally when I went home with guys, I was aggressive. I was the kind of girl that could get a guy’s belt off one handed and without looking, the kind who was always in a hurry, but I didn’t recognize myself in this situation.

And I didn’t recognize Aiden, who up until now was the most familiar person in the world to me. I was paralyzed with desire as I watched him pull his belt loose. I pursed my lips as he unzipped his jeans and pushed them down around his ankles.

“Wait,” I heard myself say when he hooked his thumbs in his boxers. “Not yet.” I wasn’t ready. The size of him contained in his boxers was already too much for me. I was afraid I might have a heart attack if he showed himself to me. It would be too real then. I wasn’t ready to have the image of my best friend in all his naked glory burned onto my eyes.

He nodded and knelt down on the bed beside me. “Give me your hand,” he said.

I raised it, and he held my wrist, pressing my hand against his swollen dick. I could feel it pulsing through his boxers and when my fingers draped around his girth, I felt a gush in my underwear.

“That’s what you do to me, Lucy. That’s why I can’t take no for an answer.”

I swallowed.

“And now I want to see what I do to you.”

My eyes went wide.


I nodded, but where the strength to do it came from was a mystery.

Aiden lowered himself down over me until he was on his elbows with his strong arms framing my face. Then he kissed me again, and just when I thought he was going to stick his tongue in my mouth, he grabbed my bottom lip in his teeth and pulled it, making my guts clench like a fist.

I could feel his hardness throbbing between my thighs, making it impossible for me to take anything but the shallowest of breaths. And in an attempt to breathe better, I snuck my hands between us and unhooked my belt.

But it was no use. Because a second later, I felt his hands slide up my thighs, dragging my dress up my body.

First I felt the air hit my legs, then my stomach. Then I watched him crane his neck back and feast his eyes on my chest as the thin fabric of my dress gathered under my arms.

He lowered his head and whispered in my ear. “Are you ready to show me your two best kept secrets?” he asked, sliding his hands under my back.

“It’s in the front,” I said.

A smile spread across his face as he shifted his focus, concentrating on the clasp between my breasts. As soon as it came loose, he covered my chest with his hands.

It felt amazing to have him touch me there, and it frightened me how much I liked it. And that was before he lowered his mouth to my nipple and flicked it with his tongue.

I little sigh escaped as the heat of his hands and mouth rippled through my body.

“Fucking perfect,” he said, almost as if he were speaking directly to my breasts before sucking my nipples one after the other, like he was having trouble deciding which one he liked better.

Then one of his hands disappeared from view, and I felt it find the warmth between my legs.

“Your panties are soaked through,” he said, pressing two fingers against the outside of my lacy thong.

My chest tightened as he touched me.

“You’re so wet for me,” he whispered. “Goddamn it, Lucy.”
