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- Lucy -

I couldn’t wait to tell Fiona about my meeting with Nathan. I felt a thousand times better about the Chuck situation after talking to him, and I was eager to ease her anxiety, too.

And since Aiden’s car wasn’t in the street when I got home, I figured I could fill her in while everything Nathan said was at the front of my mind, preferably before Aiden arrived.

After all, I didn’t really want to talk to him about it. I knew he would just freak out and get over protective, and I had enough to manage without having to manage his anger on top of everything.

Plus, I wanted the time I spent with him to be fun and light. Our relationship- at least the romantic side of it- was still new. I didn’t want it to be punctuated by my own personal job drama, especially when I knew Chelsea’s constant griping did his head in.

I opened the door and smiled when I saw the flowers on the counter. But when I went to grab a shandy, my face fell. There was a bottle of vodka on the counter, and it was half empty.

“Fiona?!” I called.

I grabbed the bottle and marched down the hallway towards the music. When she didn’t hear me knocking, I pushed the door open.

I didn’t see her so I stepped over her clothes until I got to the stereo and turned it off. “Fiona?!”

“What?” she said, walking out of the bathroom, patting her face with a hand towel.

“What the fuck is this?” I asked, holding the bottle in the air.

She shrugged. “I had a few drinks.”

“A few drinks?!” I could tell by her eyes that she’d had a lot more than a few. “You were supposed to look for a new job today.”

“I’ll start tomorrow.”

“You’ve been saying that all week,” I said. “Plus, tomorrow’s Saturday.”

She reached out her hand. “I’ll finish that now then.”

I held the bottle behind me. “Do you know where I was while you were day drinking all afternoon?”


“Yeah, and then after work, I went to talk to a lawyer to get some legal advice, which I was hoping I’d be able to discuss with you right now.”


“I don’t want you to apologize! I want you to sober up and get a grip- or at least a job!”

She lowered her voice. “Please don’t yell at me in front of Aiden.”

I leaned towards her. “Aiden’s not here.”

“Are you sure?”


“He was a second ago.”


“I was talking to him in the kitchen, like, five minutes ago.”

“Aiden?!” I yelled.
