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He cleared his throat. “Whiskey, neat.”

The Rileys always had whiskey.

And he was going to need it if he wanted to make it through the night.

A few seconds later a drink was pushed into his hand.

Maddie clapped. “Pizza will be here soon, and now that everyone is here we can get this game started.”

Gracie sidled up to her soon-to-be-husband, and he put his arm around her, brushing his lips across her temple. She beamed up at him. “Don’t let Maddie take all our money again.”

Mitch grinned at his wife. “Pregnancy makes her bloodthirsty.”

Maddie gave Gracie a little pout. “We need it for the baby.”

Mitch laughed, and James and Gracie rolled their eyes in unison.

At least the subject of the city project was off the table for the moment, although he didn’t have any delusions that it would stay dead for long.

Everyone seemed to start talking at once, and Griffin took a sip of his whiskey, his eyes meeting Darcy’s over the rim of the glass.

He slowly lowered the drink and swallowed, his gaze roaming all over her face. He wanted her more than he’d wanted anyone for a long time.

Before she came back to town he’d been sure he’d put her behind him. He’d blocked out the night she’d left town and him without even a backward glance. Up until she’d shown up he’d believed he was completely over her.

He wasn’t. He needed to taste her again.

She met his gaze, cool and steady, her lips curving into a smirk. One dark brow rose.

She didn’t fool him. No matter how composed she appeared, she wasn’t unaffected by their chemistry. It sparked between them, filling the room.

“Everyone ready?” Maddie asked, then filed out of the kitchen without waiting for an answer.

He stayed in place, and everyone fled from the kitchen, except for Darcy who wouldn’t back down from a challenge.

She shot him an exasperated glare and straightened, turning toward the swinging door, but, before she could leave, he snagged her wrist and tugged.

“Can I help you?” Her voice was haughty, but her expression flashed.

“Yeah,” he said, tightening his grip. Pleased when she took a sharp, almost imperceptible breath. “Did you use the Mac Daddy today?”

Her eyes darkened. “Is that a proper question for a mayor and accountant to ask?”

“Did you?” He didn’t divert. The images of her sliding a huge cock in and out of her pussy almost brought him to his knees.

“Why should I tell you?” She smiled, and he caught it, that look. Flirty, defiant, challenging.

It made him hard, just like it had back then.

He slid a hand around her waist and pulled her close.

She gasped, flattening her palms against his chest. “What do you think you’re doing?”

He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, “Did you come thinking about me?”

“My, someone has a healthy ego.” Her voice was low and smoky.

He nipped at her earlobe. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
