Page 7 of Head Over Heels

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Maddie shook her head. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I have no idea what got into her.”

Penelope gave him a level stare. “She’s had a hard go of it recently.”

He nodded. “I see.”

“I’m not sure she’s a fan of the pet names.” Penelope flashed him a smile that dazzled him for a second. He’d always thought her quietly pretty, but then she smiled or did something that made her heart-stopping. He’d heard bits of the story of her courtship with one of Chicago’s most notorious football players, and when she hit Ryder with one of those looks he could see why Evan had fallen in love with her as a teenager and never fallen out.

He chuckled. “Really? What was your first clue?”

Penelope laughed. “I’m good at reading subtle body language.”

Maddie shook her head. “Again, I’m really sorry. We’ll talk to her.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “No worries, she doesn’t need to like me.”

“She’s really great, I promise,” Maddie said, her voice a bit too cheerful.

“This is a big adjustment for her,” Penelope added.

City girls were always the highest maintenance. He tilted his head in the direction of his house. “I’m gonna get some shut-eye. It’s been a long night.”

Maddie and Penelope exchanged one of those secret female looks that set his instincts on high alert.

Penelope cleared her throat. “We promise she’ll be good.”

Ah, now he saw what was going on.

Sophie Kincaid was a troublemaker.

A hellion living right next door. Well, wouldn’t that make the neighborhood interesting?

At least he wouldn’t be bored.
