Page 18 of Past & Present

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“We were married for two years before I found out about the others. She was the one to tell me. Just laid it all out there like it was nothing. She listed off her rap sheet and admitted to only marrying me for security, but she found a man closer to her age who offered her the same thing. Some software developer or some shit like that.

“At the end of tearing my fucking heart out, she cried. It was so fucking fake. She said she didn’t think about it when we got married, but she couldn’t waste the best years of her life only to end up stuck taking care of an old man.”

After wrapping up my shortened sob story, I turned to glance at Juliet. She had been stunned into silence, her eyes glassy with real tears and her mouth hanging open in shock. It almost made me smile.

“I just... I don’t understand how anyone could do that to you,” she whispered. “You’re such a wonderful man, I…. I’m so sorry.”

I could have cried. I didn’t, but she was just so real and good and mine that it broke my heart a little to see her so sad. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and tugged her closer to me, leaning to rest my head on top of hers.

“So that’s my story. I guess the point I was trying to make is that men aren’t the only ones who lie to get what they want. I know how it feels to be lied to like that and I’d never wish it upon anyone—let alone do it myself. That’s not me.”

Juliet pulled away and turned her head to look into my eyes as she trailed her fingertips across my jaw.

“You’re a really sweet guy, you know that?”

“Not always. I’m just soft for the fairer sex,” I said with a shrug. Not even a second passed before my shoulders tensed and my eyes went wide. “Wait. That didn’t come out right.” Juliet was already roaring with laughter as I hastily tried to correct myself. “A soft spot! I have a soft spot for women. I—Please stop laughing.”

“Too late!” she declared between bursts of laughter. “You can’t take it back now!”

With a growl, I pressed her shoulder until she was lying back on the sand. Her laughter died and her breath hitched in her throat when I spread her legs and took the spot between them.

“Fine,” I growled against her ear. “If I can’t take it back, I’m just going to have to take you to my place and demonstrate just how not soft I am for women.”

I caught a flash of desire in her eyes before she jolted up to bring her lips to mine. I groaned and lowered her down, the hand I wasn’t using to prop myself up with roaming over her hip and ribcage to rest just below her breast.

She ground her hips against mine, the evidence of my arousal pressing against her.

“Point made,” she panted after breaking the kiss. “Take me.”

“Here? There are some places where one shouldn’t get sand, doll.”

Juliet laughed and shook her head which was when I noticed her hair was fanned out beneath her like some sort of silky dark halo. So fucking gorgeous.

“I meant take me to your place.”

I couldn’t resist the urge to steal one more kiss before I pushed myself up to my knees and offered her a hand. I kissed her knuckles as well, my gaze never wavering from her face.

“You sure?”


I abruptly lifted her into my arms, carrying her weight easily as I started jogging down the beach.

Well, as much of a jog as one could get while wearing dress shoes on a beach.

Juliet squeaked with surprise before covering her face with one hand to hide her embarrassment of the comical looks we received from random beach pedestrians.

Maybe it was a bit caveman of me, but I’d never felt less embarrassed or more fucking masculine than I did while carrying her to my car. I almost wanted to stop and roar at everyone who even looked her way.

I was ready to take her.

I was ready to really make her mine.
