Page 24 of Past & Present

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I’d been with a woman once before who could handle my length in her mouth, but that was so long ago that the mental image and the sensation had faded to dull, hazy memory.

There was nothing dull about the picture Juliet made as she sucked and slurped on my cock like it was a goddamn popsicle. My hips moved gently in a rhythm that she chose while I stared slack-jaw at the sight—totally unconcerned about the noises I was making. Hell, they just seemed to spur her on even more.

In a startling moment of clarity, I reached over to twist the knob to turn off the overhead spray before I pushed the mounted head to the side so it sprayed against the wall instead of us. Her eyes flashed up to mine and I nodded at the look of gratitude there while she continued her work.

She had me at the edge in record time and when her palm snuck up my thigh and rolled my balls—it was all over. I tried to warn her, but all that came out of my mouth was a choked, “Juliet.”

She hummed and backed off a few inches, giving her throat room to work as she swallowed every last drop. I opened my eyes in time to see that she was staring hard at my face as she did it and I swear the intensity of her expression caused another spurt to erupt.

When the final bit had escaped and she popped off, I couldn’t deny that she totally deserved to give me the smug smile that stretched her lips.

Sadly, I didn’t have the breath to tell her as much. Hell, I wasn’t even sure how I was still fucking standing.

She rose and stood between my arms which were still holding up my weight. She made a big show of licking her lips before she cockily said, “I hope that was as good for you as it was for me.”

All I could do was throw my head back and laugh as I thought, One day, I’m going to marry this woman.

* * *

“I really hatethat I can’t keep you in my bed all weekend.”

Juliet sighed from the passenger seat. “I hate it too, but duty calls.”

There was a brief urge to say that a waitressing job where she made minimum wage wasn’t what most people would consider duty, but I refrained. I knew it wasn’t my place to say so. It just killed me that she was wasting her potential in a dead-end job just so she could afford to support her friend.

I wondered if he ever planned to support her dreams in return.

I hadn’t heard much about Jamie, but I’d known a handful of people over the years who bounced from interest to interest in search of something that fit. They rarely ever found something they were satisfied with and I could only hope that Jamie wasn’t one of those people. I didn’t have the heart to ask Juliet if he was.

“Can I come over tonight? I’ll take a cab when I get off.”

“Of course,” I said, eyebrows raised in surprise. “You sure you won’t be too tired?”

“I’ll be fine. My schedule next week is packed and I want to get in another night to hold me over until next weekend.”

I was disappointed with the news that I couldn’t see her during the week but excited at the prospect of seeing her again so soon. Hopefully she wouldn’t still be sore when she got off work.

Then again, I’d be happy to let her lie back while I worked to soothe all her aches with my hands and tongue. It was the least I could do for her.

“You’re always welcome at my place,” I said as I pulled to the curb beside her house. I leaned across the center console to meet her for a kiss and whispered, “Have a good day, angel.”

“I’ll miss you.”

My heart thundered in my chest as I returned the words and bit my tongue on the other three words that desperately wanted to escape. It was too soon.

I waited until she was inside before I pulled away, absentmindedly turning my phone back on as I made the drive home. Once I pulled back into my driveway and put the car in park, I dialed Layla’s number.

She answered after a single ring.

“So how was it?”

I rolled my eyes. “Fantastic. But did you have to call so fucking early? You woke us up.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I got a call at seven in the morning from a restricted number,” I said slowly, waiting for a chuckle or a sigh or... anything. When nothing but silence greeted me, I added, “I assumed you blocked your number because you knew I wouldn’t take your call.”

“I didn’t call you, Ethan. Much as I love to tease you, I wouldn’t have disturbed your date. Especially not at seven in the morning. You know I don’t get up until ten unless there’s a fucking emergency.”

I apologized to her before dodging her nosy questions about how the date went, making a shitty excuse to end the call with the promise I’d call back later. I frowned as I went inside, wondering who the hell would be calling my personal phone from a blocked number.

The number of my work cell was given out frequently, but I kept my personal number private for a reason. I had no idea who it was, but there was a strange feeling in my stomach for the rest of the day.
