Page 37 of Past & Present

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Everyone in the restaurant knew where I was taking her and why.

Before we left, I stopped in front of her boss and said, “Juliet is sick. She can’t come to work today.”

The man spluttered as he looked between us. Juliet stifled a laugh as she reached for her waist and tugged at the fabric of her apron. She handed it to him as he continued to gape at us.


“She’ll be sick tomorrow, too. And every day after that. Terminal illness, you see. You might want to find a replacement.”


“You’re going to college,” I whispered lowly into her ear. “I won’t let you work a job you hate ever again.”

And there it was. My favorite look in all the world, only slightly marred by her tears. I knew they were happy tears, but I still didn’t like seeing them.

“I think what my fiancé is trying to say is—I quit.”

I didn’t give the man a chance to respond. It was done. As we left the restaurant, I was mainly focused on her, but I could see women and even a few men standing up to clap for us as we made our way out for the last fucking time.

It was safe to say I’d never be eating at Edelman’s again. But the loss of my favorite restaurant was so very worth it.

“I’m mortified,” Juliet whispered.

“But happy?”

“Yes. Can you at least put me down so I can walk to the car and retain a little bit of my dignity?”

“No can do, doll. But believe me when I say you’re getting off pretty easy.”

“You’re such a caveman.”

“Yes, but I’m your caveman.”

Her responding laugh was low and throaty and went directly to my cock.

“Guess all that’s left is for you to claim me like one, huh?”

“You just laid down the fucking gauntlet, baby,” I growled. I set her on her feet just outside the car and opened the passenger door for her. “Fair warning. If you get in this car, you won’t be leaving my bed tomorrow. Unless you’re okay with walking funny.”

The corners of her lips twitched and she raised a single eyebrow. A silent challenge before she eased herself into the passenger seat.

I shut the door behind her and grinned as I said, “Game on.”
