Page 33 of Dreaming Dante

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Then two forms separate themselves from the others. Carlo, looking like a total badass, and at his side, Dante.

Carlo holds the center of the room, putting himself between me and the Carringtons. Dante comes right to us, crouching down next to the settee. “Tontay,” Sophie whispers in a tiny, scared voice that breaks my heart.

“Hi, baby girl.” I can see it in his eyes, that he’d like to do all kinds of violence and mayhem here, but he keeps it out of his voice. “Ready to gohome?”

She nods and goes into his arms, and Dante stands and holds out a hand to me. I take it, and he pulls me to my feet and puts his arm around me, tucking me close against hisside.

When we start across the room, Morgana says, “I don’t know who you are, but that is our grandchild. You have no right—”

“Shut up.” Carlo’s voice is sub-Arctic. “After they’re out of here, I’ll tell you how this is gonnago.”

“Our son is dead.” There’s a quaver in her voice, and for a moment I almost feel sorry for her. “We’ll never have another grandchild.”

Dante stops. “There was a right way to go about this,” he tells her. “You chose the wrongway.”

Neither of the Carringtons has any response. We go on, out of the room and then the house. There’s an SUV waiting in the driveway that takes us to the airport, where another private plane is waiting.

“You have a jet?” I ask when we board. “Or is it Carlo’s?”



“Another cousin. Married to Caitlin. You haven’t met himyet.”

“Oh.” I shiver as we sit down, and Dante wraps a heavy throw around me, then grabs another one for Sophie. He’s still holding her, which is good. His body is so much hotter than mine, and she needs the warmth.

Dante takes my hand, and I’m too tired and too thankful to fight it. I lace my fingers with his and lay my head on his shoulder. Ten seconds after the plane takes off, I’m fast asleep.

Much later, I’m vaguely aware of the plane landing, other people boarding, murmured words, someone carrying me. I don’t think it’s Dante; his scent is different. Then we’re in another vehicle and I drop back into oblivion.
