Page 36 of Major Dad

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“I’m a stud,” my opponent says, “that’s why I became a SEAL.”

He racks the balls.

“You’re a hulk of a man,” I inform him, then add right before I break, “but you lack intelligence.”

With a powerful stroke, I manage to send two balls into pockets.

Gavin groans.

“Easy money,” Blake says. “I can’t believe you spotted him two balls.”

“It’s not over yet,” the Navy guy proclaims.

But I’m pretty sure he’s lost this battle.

Our group of joshing guys lets off steam, a common military tradition. Stressful work under extreme circumstances leads to hard parties and sometimes trouble in the down time. They argue, cuss, and drink beer while I quietly kick Gavin’s ass. I pick up the two bills after sinking the winning ball with a well placed bank shot. “Thanks, sucker.”

“Double or nothing?” Gavin asks.

“No, I’d feel terrible taking advantage of such a weak minded individual. Besides, I’ve got to talk shop with Lieutenant Graham.”

I grab a table away from the crowd.

Blake says, “What’s up, sir?”

“Not much,” I admit. “I just didn’t want to take any more of his money. How are you fitting in?”

“Not too bad, sir. I mean, it’s Hawaii. I’m happy I got stationed here. A couple of years without snow and ice in the winter, lots of loose women, beaches, what’s not to love?”

“You’ve got a point,” I say. We’d become friendly over the last couple of weeks while working on a case, so I say, “Look, off-post, call me Ethan.”

“Sure thing.”

We bullshit about work, finish a beer, and he orders another round.

“Wow, that bartender has a great ass,” he observes as she walks away from us.

I hadn’t noticed her, but I agree out of politeness, and then add, “Have you met any women since you got here?”

“No, not yet. Lay out the land for me.”

I shrug. I’m sure not gonna dish on my sacred connection to Rylie.

“So you won’t talk?” he pushes me, with a wide smirk. “’Cos I sure noticed you and Cole’s daughter sneaking each other more than looks earlier,” he declares, surprising me with the information.

I act surprised. “Really? She’s just an old friend’s daughter.”

“That right? Well, the two of you weren’t very discreet if that’s what you’d been thinking.”

Rylie had come by to see her father this afternoon. She found me at the other end of the building. Using a pretense, we’d snuck into an unused hallway. Holding hands for a few minutes, I thought we’d been secretive. Apparently, we hadn’t been careful enough. “Shit,” I say.

“What’s the old friend going to say when he finds out?”

“I’m not—”

“And by ‘finds out’ I mean cuts off your nuts?”

“We’re going to talk to him,” I say mostly to myself. “Soon.”
