Page 48 of Major Dad

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“We’re really swamped here, Ethan. What the fuck is really going on?”

“Can we shut the door, sir?”

I take a minute and compose my thoughts.

“Ethan, speak freely,” he says.

“We’ve been friends for a long time,” I start, “and I hope you feel you can trust me.”

“Of course, yes. I do trust you. But when it comes to Rylie,” he says stunning me, “she’s my only daughter. I had to send her away.”

“You knew all along?”

“I didn’t get into this position based on my looks and charm. Yeah, I figured something was going on.”

“I’m not sure what to say.”

“My attitude about her is always to protect her, but I know she’s an adult, smart and capable. She doesn’t believe it, but I do realize that her life is her own.”

“But you…”

“Yes, I pushed her hard, but I’ve respected whatever decisions she’s ultimately made.”

“Are you…what I mean to say…are you against us being together?”

“That’s irrelevant now,” he states with a cold finality. “She’s gone to be with her mother despite her initial flat out refusal. I’d accepted her decision but it would appear you yourself did something that upset my only girl enough to make her want to take off. You aren’t the only one missing her, soldier.”

“Excuse me, Sir but are you telling me we wouldn’t have a problem if that changed?” I ask without hesitation. I’m hanging out on a limb here. Taking a risk with my career and my long friendship with Frank. But missing indicates longing which indicates love. I need her back here and I’m willing to risk everything to get that.

“I’m a father, just like you,” Frank says softer now. “So I do understand little girls grow up and fall in love. I won’t stand in the way of what she wants, but I don’t think you realize how persuasive my ex-wife can be regarding our daughter. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s made arrangements to set Rylie up with a dozen MIT grads. My former wife hates military men. I suppose I gave her some cause there. It might be easier for you to forget about Rylie and move on with your life.”

I bolt up out of my chair and salute the commander. When I leave Frank’s office, he probably thinks I’m defeated but he’s got another fucking think coming.
