Page 50 of Major Dad

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Back from an afternoon spent at the spa and a light dinner, I’m desperate to get to bed early. Pulling the covers up to my chin, attempting to get comfortable, the sense that I’m not alone hits me. I look around the dimly lit room and see nothing out of the ordinary. What’s gotten into me? I hug a pillow and snuggle into it, wishing it molded to me the way Ethan does. Did.

Admit it – you miss him.I can’t shake it.

I recall our day at the beach with Caden, and how much we enjoyed being together while his son played along the shore. I felt natural being with his son. Holding his little hand as he rode on his dad’s stunning broad shoulders. I miss that little guy, too.

Without my permission, my mind drifts away to the day Ethan and I hiked into the jungle.

Ethan slides up behind me as I lie naked. As he pulls my back hard against his chest, his hand runs down my arm, up my side, and lands on my breast. He toys with a nipple, tugging and rolling in turns.

In bed, my hard points stiffen and ache. I absentmindedly squeeze one as I continue reliving my past.

I recall with extreme vividness his tongue exploring my pussy. Wet now, my heart rate increases from taking this fantasy path laid out in front of me. Ethan’s rock hard shaft slides into my swollen folds as I moan softly in both my imagination and my reality. My body is in Boston, but my mind is lodged in Hawaii.

I am alone, but he’s with me, too. Strangely, I feel him as if he's lying next to me. I can see his face, his blue eyes, and his smile.

The vacant emptiness of reminding myself where I am expands. I don’t know what to fill it with, so I continue with my self-torture.

I think back to our night at the conference when he complimented me. I felt so proud. His kisses later lured me further into his universe but I’m still lying alone in expensive sheets in a strange room, in a land that feels totally foreign.

My body aches and I relive several more dreams featuring Ethan, before desire takes over and my fingers push into my folds to relieve my tension. Barely satiated, I eventually fall asleep, my body clammy and sticking to the sheets.

At breakfast my mom informs me we’re hosting a dinner Saturday night.

“I’m sooo not in the mood,” I complain.

“Charles has already lined up all the caterers and staff,” my mother informs me. “He’s been planning this since I told him you were actually on the plane.”

Charles Westfield is my mother’s husband, older by a decade and disgustingly wealthy. I guess my mom is happy, but sometimes I think she’s like an exotic parrot in a diamond studded cage.

“We have a large guest list. Meaning quite a few available bachelors will be attending, Darling. The bar will be open for cocktails at six but you must take it easy. I know you’ve been melancholy lately.”

“I’m just not ready for this,” I protest, knowing it’s falling on deaf ears.

“You have to get back on the horse,” she says like it’s every day someone breaks your heart. “You’ll see, once you meet a decent man here, you’ll forget all about this Ethan character.”

I nearly drop my coffee. “What?”

“Careful, dear. You’ll stain your clothes.”

“You said Ethan. How do you know his name?”

“I do maintain a sharing relationship with your father when it comes to our baby girl.”

“But, but Ethan...” I stammer. “How did Dad know about him?”

“Darling, you think you can keep things from your father? When you’re living in his house? Dating one of his men? You’re not that naive, are you?”

“I…don’t, I mean I didn’t think he had that much intel on my life.” Not knowing what else to say, I sip coffee. My heart pushes painfully into my throat as I conjecture on what daddy has said or done to Ethan. I doubt there’s anything I can do that won’t make a bad situation worse, but guilt shadows me. “I didn’t know he found out,” I murmur into my cup.

“Of course he found out,” Mom replies. “You should have been smarter than to think you could keep such a bold secret from a man like your father.”

“Is this why you pushed so hard for me to come here?”

“I’ve got years of experience with military men, Darling. Trust me, you being far away from the base is the best thing for you.”

“I wish you’d let me live my own life, Mom. This isn’t exactly fair.”

“Nothing in life is fair, little baby. A military bad boy played you. He got what he wanted. When he finished with you, he moved on.”
