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“Yeah, Jared. Not as an extra man. Of course not.” I assure her with excess gravity even though I know she's joking around. “Just 'cos he might be lonely- here in town without family.”

I don’t know that of course. He could well have a huge loving family to nestle into. But I'm on a search mission. Just hearing his name out loud tightens my chest as an army of butterflies lifts off.

“I did call his hotel to invite him over but he left a message, must have been the middle of the night, saying he was really tied up all week. I guess a man like Jared doesn't do lonely.”

No. I guess not. I damn well wish he'd do me though. Despite my shower fun, this crush isn't shrinking in any way. It appears the old saying 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' applies to strangers as well as lovers you've had enough of.

“You aren’t still hung up on Storm Weathers?” my bestie, Britnee asks when she comes down from the mountain she spends her life on and I get some FaceTime with her.

“No absolutely not,” I assure her.

“Good, because the way to get over a man is to get under another. You just need to go out on a date.”

She's dating a snowboard instructor seven years older, so she knows a thing or two about mature men.

“You’re hot for this guy because there's no one else on the horizon to absorb your thoughts,” she explains when I tell her about Jared. “Only solution is to get out there and loosen his hold on you before the fantasy takes over.”

She's probably right. There's a danger I'll build this guy up to be a perfect super hero if I don't stop thinking about him night and freaking day.
