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He put his hands on his stomach, sat down, and unzipped his pants.

Hugo’s mouth fell open, and I smiled, then Nico’s shot open.

“Wait,” Nico said. “Isn’t that slang for someone’s pregnant?”

Hugo jokingly hit him in the back of the head. “How you ever became a successful businessman is beyond me,” he said, then came over to me and said, “Are you pregnant?” I nodded at Hugo, and then Nico scooped me up. Both of them kept kissing and hugging me, repeatedly saying how much they loved me.

“But I didn’t even know that we were trying,” Nico said. Hugo looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

“Dude, do you even know how pregnancy works?”

“Alright, enough with the mean jokes, bro! So I’m a little slow at figuring things out!”

Hugo burst out laughing, and we all hugged each other.

It was true that we never used protection, and I wasn’t on the birth control pill, so it really was just a matter of time. Nico finally understood what Hugo was getting at, and we all had a good laugh about it. Even though we had never discussed having children, we never said that it was off the table.

“I know you guys are going to be amazing fathers,” I said as each of them put a hand on my belly. I was secretly hoping for twins or triplets, but I didn’t want to say that out loud. Something told me they’d feel overwhelmed at the thought of having more than one newborn in the house, but I had also heard of maternal instinct, and I suspected there was more than one baking inside of me.

“I’ve heard that women can get sick when they’re pregnant,” Hugo said, “so do you plan on still working? Because you know that we’re more than happy to let you rest.”

“Yes,” Nico said while stroking my hair. “Maybe you should consider taking a year off. Our family is big enough to help with your real estate company, and you deserve some time off.” I shook my head and burst out laughing.

“Are you guys kidding me? You know what I’m like! You couldn’t pay me not to work! Well, unless we find out it’s twins or triplets, since I’ve heard those pregnancies can be much harder.”

Hugo and Nico just stared at me, with their eyes bugging out.

“Whatever you’re pregnant with,” Hugo said, “we’ll be here with you every step of the way!”

“Yes,” Nico said, “although please don’t let it be triplets. I need my sleep, please, dear God!”

“You sleep enough as it is, brother,” Hugo said while laughing.

All three of us finished cleaning up the kitchen. I put the leftovers in the fridge, Nico and Hugo wiped down the counters, and then I sat on the couch while they tidied up some more. As I put my hand over my stomach, I realized that no matter how many babies we had, that we would all be one big family. We were destined to be together, all of us, raising a family in Russia while running several businesses.

I watched Nico and Hugo joking with each other, and I pictured two little boys, one with Nico’s light curly hair and the other looking a bit more like Hugo. They would have their personalities, too. Hopefully, after twin boys, I’d get pregnant with a little girl. Three would be the ideal number of babies for our family, but of course, I’d take however many I got pregnant with.

Hugo brought me a cup of tea, and all three of us sat on the couch while overlooking Moscow. I never thought I’d say it, but the Moscow skyline that night looked prettier than New York City. I may not have had a drop of Russian blood in me, but I felt every bit a Russian as the Stepanov family. And hopefully, one day, Elaina would marry into our family, and I could legally refer to her as a family member.

“How about we celebrate?” I turned to Hugo and took a sip of my tea.

“That sounds great,” Nico said. “What did you have in mind? I’m not really hungry yet, man, but I could go for some champagne.”

“Not every celebration has to do with food, Nico. How many times do I have to tell you!”

All of us burst out laughing, and Hugo began to massage my legs. I put my tea on the coffee table, leaned back, and spread them apart for him. He lowered them to between my legs, and that’s when Nico’s eyes lit up.

Hugo stood up, scooped me up off of the couch, and then carried me into the bedroom. I looked back to see Nico following us with a big smile on his face.

“So this is what you mean by ‘celebrate,’” Nico said as we made our way into the bedroom. Hugo placed me onto the bed and said, “Now, we really celebrate.”
