Page 11 of The Devil is a Dom

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I hated these fucking things.

These people and their incessant neediness sucked the life out of me faster than a ten-dollar hooker. But money doesn’t make itself, and if you wanted success in life, you had to be willing to make sacrifices. Pandering to these people was one of mine.

Models, actors, movie executives, foreign investors, and plenty of old money crowded beneath the enormous chandeliers that hung from the canopy of trees above us. And everywhere I looked, there were dollar signs. Advantages to suck the life out of the people who were destined to eventually suck me off, too.

And not in the way I liked.

Dressed in all black Armani, I sauntered through the crowds of L.A.’s elite, greeting my guests with a smile and nod. I was surrounded with the best, the brightest, and the richest members of our society—at least according to Forbes—and I’d never been more bored.

Not that I expected any different.

People always assumed that the wealthy and the beautiful were also the most fascinating. An entirely false assumption. In fact, in most cases, all that money and glamour covered up soulless vessels who craved constant validation. But I appreciated them. After all, their affinity for being flawed people with deep pockets is how I’d made my company one of the most successful P.R. firms in North America.

I flagged down a waiter

Endless chatter echoed over the sounds of champagne glasses and heels clicking along the dance floor as I sipped my whiskey.

I stilled when I heard a voice to my right, blabbering on like an idiot.

“Yes, ma’am, I absolutely love that dress. It’s stunning on you. Like really stunning. So, are you in the entertainment industry?”

It was the third time I’d caught one of the catering staff not following my strict conduct protocols and now, I was fucking done. Once was a mistake. Twice was an accident. But three times was unacceptable. This was my single most important event of the year and I’d made it clear to Shonda and our caterer my expectations.

I turned and eyed a lanky boy with a silver tray balanced on his fingertips as he cornered one of my guests, poking and prodding her with unnecessary questions. With a baby-face like that, he couldn’t possibly be past twenty. Dammit. Barely thirty-minutes into my evening and I was already regretting going with a new caterer.

What the hell did he think this was? A fucking social hour? He had a job to do, and he damn well better be doing it.

I abandoned my empty whiskey glass and strolled over to them. For the hefty fee these people paid me, the last thing they expected was to have their night ruined by overzealous leeches (disguised as servers) looking for their golden opportunity. Especially on my dime.

“Don’t you have food runs to make?” I asked as I stepped up beside the young woman.

“Oh, well, we were just—” The young man started but I quickly cut him off.

“Just talking when you should be working. I’m not paying you to socialize.”

The boy’s face grew paler then normal. “Yes, sir. Of course. My apologies.”

I watched him scamper off and then turned my attention back to the woman, a rising model and sometimes actress. “He’s right, though. This is quite the stunning dress on you.”

She turned her attention to me, gracing me with a grin that twitched my cock. “It’s Versace. One of a kind.”

“Just like the woman wearing it.”

She playfully slapped my chest. “You’re so bad, Dominik. No wonder they call you the Devil.”

“I have been known to make plenty of women sin.”

She bit down on her lip, “I bet.”

With only one look, I knew she wanted to fuck me. She’d probably let me do it right there in the maze garden, barely hidden from view. I was a conquest to be had after all. One she could brag to her friends about for years; and one she could fantasize over while she fucked her eighty-year-old, limp dick, billionaire husband.

I could hear my name being called out, but I ignored it. My cock was hard and that part of myself that needed to dominate demanded I pull her to a back room and fuck her immediately. It wouldn’t be the kind of fuck I really needed, but it would be enough to sate me for another night.

“Dominik,” Jackson called out. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
