Page 13 of The Devil is a Dom

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She whipped around in front of me and stopped me dead in my tracks. “Why don’t we get a meeting on the books. Say, sometime next week?”

My back stiffened as she walked her fingers down my chest. “Call my secretary and we’ll get a lunch scheduled.”

She stepped in front of me as I tried to avoid her. “I think a more… private meeting might be necessary for a venture like this. After all, you wouldn’t want the wrong person overhearing things.”

If she thought her exorbitant wealth could buy her a spot in my bed, she was sorely mistaken. I may be willing to sell my soul for my business, but not my dick.

“I’m more than happy to speak with you, Mrs. Lundst, so long as you make an appointment with my secretary. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a speech to prepare.” I gently grabbed the woman by the shoulders while I side-stepped her.

However, I didn’t get far before someone else slipped in front of me.

“Dominik! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. My wife doesn’t want me to leave this banquet without making sure to ask you—”

I patted the man’s shoulder and walked past him. “Let her know that we spoke, and please make an appointment with my secretary. My schedule is always open to you, Peter.”

He slapped my back as I passed him. “Good man. I’ll make sure to do that.”

Every time I took a step closer to Jackson and that fucking caterer, someone tried to steal my attention away. And while I tried to put on my best face—because I very well couldn’t just start snapping at all the rich assholes that had come to shower me with their money—I grew more and more frustrated. Every second he spent making her giggle and stealing away her time was more focus that moved away from our yearly elbow-rubbing.

And that pissed me off.

“Jackson,” I called out.

He turned his head before the caterer caught my eye, and she quickly scurried into the kitchen. I eyed her down until the door slammed closed behind her, but I noticed her peeking out through the opening in the wall where the kitchen staff resided. I glared at her, hoping for her sake that she got the message.

Then, I turned my attention to Jackson. “Stop distracting the help.”

He slid his hands into his pockets. “You really need one of your vacations, you know that? You’re wound way too tight these days.”

“It’s all fun and games until we go fucking bankrupt.”

He chuckled, “Obviously that’s never going to happen.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Just don’t fucking screw up the night. Can you at least do that? And stop fucking with the caterer.”

A gasp came from behind me. “Eden!”

I whipped around at the squeal and watched the caterer storm out of the kitchen. She made her way through the crowd before I saw her throw her arms around the neck of a woman that was dripping from head to toe in fuck-me red. Her ears glistened with diamond earrings and the deep ruby lipstick coating her full lips matched her crimson dress.

“Who the hell is that?” Jackson asked.

My gaze traveled along the slopes of her curves as I devoured her from head to toe. “Someone whose name I need to know.”

Few things—and even fewer people—captured my interest anymore. I had consumed women my entire life, reducing things down to a set of values I simply had to have before I plunged between their thighs. But there was something about the way she smiled, though. Something different. It didn’t seem as pursed as the tight-wads I surrounded myself with on a daily basis.

I watched our caterer embarrass herself with this little public display.

“What in the fuck does she think she’s doing?”

“Relax Dominik. They must be friends or something,” Jackson answered from beside me. “They’re just saying hello.”

“I don’t give a shit. It’s just another strike on her shitty record with me.”

“What are you talking about?” Jackson said, “The food is excellent, and everyone is happy.”

“Sometimes, you’re rather oblivious, you know that? Her staff is unprofessional, she’s flirting with her boss, and now she’s distracting our guests.”

“To be fair, I started the flirting.”

“Irrelevant,” I said as I shoved passed Jackson.

My caterer was single-handedly embarrassing not only herself, but my business in the process. If she couldn’t even control her own behavior, no wonder her waitstaff didn’t know how to act at a function like this. As I marched over, my cock hardened with both anger and desire. I had every intention of putting my caterer in her place…eventually.

But not now.

Now, I had other, more pressing matters that required my attention; like securing that when this dark-haired beauty left tonight—it was with me—and only me.
