Page 39 of Bedroom King

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The sweat trickling down the sides of her face indicated that she had gotten in quite the workout. “Hey, you. I thought you’d be at football practice right now.”

“Nah, our coach isn’t feeling too well.” I raised a curious brow. “Since when did you start coming to the gym?”

“Today, actually. Needed to clear my mind after a crappy morning.” She dabbed sweat off her face with a towel and twisted off the cap of her water bottle.

I couldn’t help but notice that she was the target of a few men’s attention. I caught a guy checking her out, twisting his head so fast that I feared he’d end up with whiplash. In my mind, every man in the gym wanted Isabella, and that lit a fire in me. I even caught myself staring a little too long at the reflection of her taut ass in the mirror.

I forced myself to look away, clearing my throat. “What happened this morning?”

“Well, I met with someone at the travel group about a European trip next summer. Since my parents and Jason don’t control my life anymore, I went for it.”

I pictured the two of us sunbathing in the nude on a European beach, the hot sun beating down on our bodies as we listened to the waves lapping against the shore. And then I remembered that I most certainly would not be going on a trip out of the country anytime soon. “There weren’t any openings left?”

“Oh, there are openings.” She laughed nervously, and not because what she was saying was funny. Rather, I sensed that there was a sense of embarrassment. “Unfortunately, the down payment is way more than I can afford since I’m living off my personal savings right now. Guess it wasn’t meant to be.”

“Nonsense,” I replied, taking a step towards her. “Tell me how much, and I’ll pay for it.”

Isabella held up her hands in refusal.

I admired her independence.

“No, Blade. Our situation is fine. I may need to get a part-time job soon anyway with how well you’re doing. You might not need me much longer. I should probably get an application at Lenny’s.”

I pictured Isabella waitressing, where guys would practically throw themselves at her as she took their order. Not to mention my brothers at Omicron Alpha went there all the time. “What will it cost to keep you as my tutor for both this and next semester?”

“I mean, if you still need my help, then it’d be the same situation right now.”

A few guys were hovering by the front door, waiting for Isabella to leave.

Not wanting to broadcast how much money my family had, I reached for my phone and texted her a dollar amount that made her eyes bug out.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes,” I replied firmly. “Just promise that I’ll be the only person you tutor.”

Isabella looked shyly at the ground at my request.

“I mean, I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes.”

She looked uneasy in between glimpses at my text message. It felt like I was paying for sex, but the thought of her being with anyone else drove me insane, which I knew wasn’t healthy. I made a mental note to deal with that particular problem later.

“I’ll have to get back to you. People are starting to stare at us, so I’ll see you tonight. Okay?”

I offered her a simple nod before she turned and headed towards the women’s locker room.

After lifting weights for barely fifteen minutes and not seeing her emerge from the locker room, I couldn’t take it anymore. When nobody was looking my way, I casually headed in her direction, hoping that she’d be alone, and found her pacing back and forth in front of the lockers.

“Blade, what are you doing in here?”

There was no time to talk. I grabbed her hand, picked her up, and carried her into a shower stall as we kissed. With both of us still fully dressed, I turned the water on and went to work on undressing both of us. Isabella’s breasts heaved up and down as I pulled down her top, cupping her tits before burying them in my mouth.


“Shhh,” I whispered.

With her soaking wet yoga pants in a pile outside of the shower stall, I wrapped her legs back up around my waist and entered her. Isabella’s mouth fell open as I grunted inside of her, stifling my own moans as we became one. Seeing her talking with another man drove me crazy. I didn’t know what we were, exactly, other than a tutor and tutee.
