Page 5 of Bedroom King

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The thought of seeing puke before eating, let alone a cup of coffee, made my stomach turn.

“Gross. I’m gonna need some breakfast before dealing with that catastrophe.”

“Fuck that shit, man. We paid our dues years ago. Let the peons clean that up.”

Aiden had a good point. The first two years of fraternity life weren’t easy, waking up at the crack of dawn to make sure the house was spotless. It was all part of proving ourselves to our older brothers. Now that we were seniors, I loved letting other guys do the work. I had more important things to attend to. “Sold. Wanna get some breakfast?”

“Yeah, let’s hit up Lenny’s.”

Aiden and I gasped at the smell of cheap air freshener as we headed downstairs, our feet stomping on the old wooden stairs. About a dozen guys stopped cleaning when we entered the living room, dropping their garbage bags and giving each of us a high-five.

One by one, all of them inquired about my latest hookup.

“Were they good, man?”

“How many times did you cum?”

“What’s it like being with three women at the same time?”

Aiden shook his head as he grabbed each of us a can of cold-brew coffee from the fridge. “What’s your number at now, Blade?”

Our fraternity brothers eagerly awaited my response as I pumped caffeine into my veins.

“Look, guys, I’m too hungover for this. Get back to cleaning. Never know when the landlord will show up unannounced.”

Aiden and I watched them disperse back into the living room, gossiping amongst themselves about how The Bedroom King had scored yet again. This time with three women.

“They sure do look up to you,” Aiden said before sitting down at the table. “I don’t think there’s a girl on campus that you couldn’t get.”

“Oh, come on, bro. There are plenty of chicks who wouldn’t be caught dead with either of us.”

We had unsuccessfully tried to bed the innocent women of Exley over the years. At first, it was a game, flirting with them at parties as they clutched onto their non-alcoholic drinks. They usually came from wealthy families with traditional, conservative values.

In other words, no sleeping around.

The irony was that Aiden and I also came from wealthy families, but neither of our parents told us to keep our dicks locked up. I was well aware of the societal norms that dictated the rules that differed between men and women. As for my parents, all they cared about was following in their footsteps and making a shitload of money. It didn’t matter how many women I fucked, as long as I didn’t get one of them pregnant.

Aiden tossed his empty coffee can into the recycling bin. “Or maybe it’s time you step up your game.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s our last year here, right? So, why not flirt with the ones who aren’t so easy to get? Challenge yourself a little, man.”

“Dude, I have no interest in wasting my time just to prove something to you.”

Aiden’s voice lowered as he folded his hands in his lap. “To prove something to yourself or me, bro?”

He was testing me.

As the Vice President of our fraternity, Aiden had always carried the torch of jealousy. Between my luck in bed and being President of Omicron Alpha, I had everything that he wanted. Not to mention that we had inadvertently seen each other naked over the years as roommates, and my manhood was significantly bigger than his.

I wasn’t taking the bait that morning, though.

“Come on, bro. Let’s get some breakfast.”

Campus food was vanilla compared to Lenny’s, where line cooks straight out of jail whipped up some of the best damn breakfast skillets I’d ever had. Aiden and I strolled in there, beaming with pride as every woman in the joint turned to look at us. Sorority girls, waitresses, and even mothers well into their forties were impressed by our presence. It’s almost as if our reputation preceded us.

We were officially college royalty.
