Page 83 of Consume Me

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When we entered the bathroom, I couldn’t help but grin.Nick lounged with his eyes closed in a tub of billowing bubbles.His dark skin was a stunning contrast to the fluffy white suds.

“Not one word, my sweet slut.This foo-foo scented shit isallfor you,” Nick scoffed, slitting one eye open.

As I bit my lips to keep from laughing, he extended his hand.Accepting his chivalrous offer, a giggle escaped as I stepped into the tub.Without warning, he drew back a wet hand and landed a sizzling slap across my ass.

“Owww!That hurt,” I huffed with a playful pout.

“Owwwis not your safe word, girl.Besides, I look forward to spanking your ass a lot more.”Nick smiled.Sitting up, he snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest beneath the water.Bubbles exploded into the air as I yelped and giggled.

“Promise?”I taunted, grinding my ass on his erection.

“Indeed,” he hissed, thrusting his hips and driving his cock between my tender folds.

Lord, the man had stamina.He was hard as cement.I could have sworn the water heated another twenty degrees as his cock pulsed against my clit.

As Dylan climbed into the tub and eased in behind me, I rested my head on Nick’s chest.When Dylan wrapped his arms around me, tangling us as one—a striking testament of our commitment—I sighed and closed my eyes.

“How do you feel, little one?”Nick asked, squeezing sweet, floral scented shower gel on a washcloth.

“Small,” I whispered.It was the only word that adequately expressed the myriad of emotions flowing through me.

Dylan brushed the hair from my neck before pressing his warm lips to my neck.“Good, that’s how you’re supposed to feel.”

With a languid moan, I closed my eyes as they washed my boneless body.Passing me back and forth while praising and kissing me, their hands never left my skin.After positioning my arms on a fluffy towel, they bent me over the side of the tub and gently washed my tender folds and backside.I rested my head on my arms and closed my eyes.

Nick leaned in close to my ear as he traced a fingertip over my butt cheek.“You’re still wearing the imprint of my hand.It makes me want to mark you even more.”

As I softly purred, jets of water pounded in fury against my sensitive and still swollen clit.A cry of surprise tore from my throat as I lurched onto my knees.As Nick cinched a hand in my hair, Dylan pressed a firm hand against the small of my back.Together, they held me in place while the water hammered my tender nub.

“You’re going to come for us again,” Nick taunted.

“I can’t,” I whimpered as pain and pleasure pounded my system.

“You can.And you will,” Dylan growled.“You’ll do anything we ask, because you live to please us, don’t you, sweet slut?”

Like a relentless tongue, the jets lashed my clit.“Yes,” I pitifully mewled.

Soaring faster and harder than ever before, the strumming water warred with my determination to please them.With their twin erections melded against my hips, their deep voices urged me to soar higher.And when they buried their fingers inside my pussy and ass, panic meshed with the demand thundering through me.

“So hot.So precious,” Nick whispered as keening cries raked my throat.

“Let it swallow you whole, kitten.Shatter for us.”

As permission tumbled off Dylan’s lips, my universe exploded in a blinding orgasm.I shrieked as the thundering release seized me.Clamped around their driving fingers, my entire body stiffened as I dissolved beneath the brutal crushing onslaught of ecstasy.

“Fucking stunning,” Dylan murmured, gently pulling me away from the jets.

When their fingers eased from inside me, I collapsed onto the towel and slowly floated back to earth.Spent and exhausted, I didn’t have the strength to open my eyes when they lifted me from the tub.I simply purred as a thick towel was wrapped around me.I knew by his familiar, protective embrace, and familiar scent, Dylan was the one cradling me in his arms.

“Sleep,” I whimpered.

Nick chuckled as Dylan carried me from the bathroom and placed me on the bed.Together, they gently dried my skin, then eased a pillow under my head before darkness pulled me under.

The sound of deep laughter dragged me from sleep.Squinting against the bright sunlight filling the room, I watched Dylan kick the door shut behind him as both men strode toward me carrying silver trays brimming with food.

Tantalizing aromas hit me as they placed the trays on the marble-topped coffee table.

My mouth watered as I sat up and scampered out of bed.Hurrying toward them, I reached for a strip of crispy bacon when Dylan swatted the back of my hand.
