Page 11 of The Breakup

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He was adorable. Ali was right on that. We had made a cute kid, no question about it.

I knew there was a very real possibility he was actually Cain’s child, but we would never know the truth. So I just told myself he was mine.

It was reassuring to see him there, perfectly healthy, oblivious to his mother’s poor behavior. I dreaded the day I would have to explain to him why she wasn’t around. It kicked me in the dick every time I thought about it.

I texted Bella.

I have to stay with Camp tonight, so if you want to talk you have to come to my mother’s house.

That’s fine. Just give me the address. Eight?

That works.

Whatever she wanted, it would be amusing to see her reaction to my mother’s house. I was pretty damn sure Bella had zero experience with how the other half lives.

Given how late it was, I decided to gently shake Camp awake. If I let him sleep, he’d be up until midnight. My mother had him on a good schedule. Nap at one, bedtime at eight. Charlie had clearly put him down later than usual. He roused slowly, blinking up at me. I bent down and lifted him out of the crib, resting his head against my chest. “Hey, little man. Sleepy boy, you gotta get up.”

When I brushed my lips over the softness of his hair, I thought about canceling with Bella.

But she was the red flag and I was the bull.

An elusive tease to my snorting, lumbering self.

And I wanted to catch her.
