Page 17 of The Breakup

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Chapter 4

The plan had been to get Christian to agree to teach me how to be a sexual savant, obviously so I could show Bradley how awesome I was. Make him want me, then dump him before the wedding. But it had gone off the rails almost immediately because revenge and sexual seduction are not in my wheelhouse. Clearly. I asked him to instruct me on technique, then pointed out everything I don’t like, and expected him to leap on the offer.

Now I was buzzed from too much wine and very little food that day from being hungover. Plus I’d eaten more sugar in the last half hour than in the entire previous year.

Everything inside me felt flushed and frantic. I was light-headed and foggy. Buzzed. From sugar and alcohol.

I shouldn’t have told Christian he was hot. He already knew that, I was sure, and it was tacky to say that so boldly. Especially since no matter what Bradley had done, I did have a diamond engagement ring on my finger, as he had pointed out. For now. I should be grateful that Christian had enough sense to turn me down. Or maybe he wasn’t actually attracted to me at all. I wasn’t sure.

Until he kissed me.

It caught me completely off guard.

Suddenly there he was, in my space. He was masculine and broad, and his chest was tantalizingly bare, his rough fingers cupping my cheek. His pale blue eyes swept over me under lashes no man should be allowed to have. Then his lips were on mine. They say you can tell everything about a person from his kiss. What Christian’s told me was he was confident, he was sensual, he was a little demanding.

And we had chemistry. I had only seen him a few times, but when I had I’d felt that spark, that sizzle of attraction moving between us. It hadn’t alarmed me. It was normal to look at other people and find them attractive. It didn’t mean anything.

Until you kissed them. Then it took attraction to intent.

Theory to reality.

For a split second, I froze. I wanted to resist, but there was something about the way his mouth moved over me, coaxing me to relax. Demanding I relax. I heard my own sigh as if it came from someone else and I felt my shoulders drop. He moved again and his fingers worked their way into my hair. I forgot to warn him about not tugging on my extensions. I forgot that this was supposed to be a plot to win over then emotionally destroy my fiancé. I forgot I had a fiancé.

All I knew was that his lips on mine had stoked the fire the wine had brought to life.

When he pulled back I was panting, my nipples hard. I went for my glass, my heart thumping. “Why did you do that? I thought you said no.”

He shrugged, his smile mischievous. “I’m impulsive sometimes. And attracted to trouble.”

I almost choked on my wine. “Am I trouble? No one has ever called me trouble before.” The very thought was ridiculous. I didn’t break rules.

Which didn’t explain why I was sitting on a plaid couch basically drunk with a man I didn’t really know while Bradley was back at my parents’ house.

“You’re definitely trouble.” He shifted slightly away from me.

I was both relieved and disappointed.

“So tell me, Bella, why did you come to me? Instead of someone else?”

That was easy. I had been afraid he would ask me something difficult to answer. Like why I still wanted to marry Bradley, which was what I had been implying. “Well, Sophie says Cain is an awesome teacher. She was a virgin and she said he’s been great at explaining everything and showing her how to, you know, so…I mean you’re identical twins. I figured you’d be a good option.” Plus he was hot and he seemed like a man who would keep his mouth shut.

“Your sister was a virgin?” He looked astonished. “And she let Cain take her home? That was a bad idea.”

I frowned at him. “There is nothing wrong with being a virgin.”

“Not at all. But I mean, she waited this long, why Cain?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just never thought of my brother as being some sort of virgin whisperer.”

That sounded weird. Plus, as amazing as my sister was, she was not exactly standard. “Sophie is a lot to handle. She asks a ton of questions. Like a million.”

“Interesting.” He drained his wineglass and gave a grimace.

“Are you jealous of your twin?” I asked, curious. He looked annoyed.

“What? No. Fuck no. I just don’t really like wine.” He set the glass down with a clank. “We’re different people and I don’t know much about what’s going on in my brother’s life. Don’t compare me to him.”

That made me smile a little. I felt comfortable teasing him. It tipped the balance in my favor again. “What, so you wouldn’t be a good sex instructor?”

He stared me down, his nostrils flaring. “I’ve never thought of myself as a teacher, but if you want to come over and over while screaming my name, I’m your man.”
