Page 26 of The Breakup

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Damn it, why was I picturing being her sexual savior? Being a goddamn hero to the rich girl? It was stupid.

Bella was fingering the diamonds on the tiara in her lap. “I don’t want a counselor. I don’t even want to talk.” She looked over at me from under those long eyelashes. “I just want you to fuck me until I forget everything.”

Now that almost had me driving off the road. She had no idea how hot she was and how much I wanted to push inside her tight body. I had never heard her say “fuck” before. It should have been a red flag for me to retreat, but I had already told her no once when she was still engaged. Only an idiot would turn her down twice.

I was driving along the coast and I couldn’t risk staring at her too long or we’d end up going off a cliff, but I did shoot her an intense glance. “Now that is something I can do.”

“Really?” she asked, sounding both breathless and giddy.

It made my cock throb in my jeans. “Really. I’m supposed to work tonight, but your offer sounds better. I’ll get someone to switch shifts with me.” Since my mother was already planning to watch Camp that wouldn’t matter.

“Thank you,” she said.

That amused me. “Thank me after I’ve made you come.” I was looking forward to the challenge.

“Oh!” She gave a small nod. “Okay. Best of luck to you.”

Bella sounded so polite I laughed out loud. “I’m not going on a job interview. I’m going down on you.”

“No. No, you’re not. I already told you I don’t like that.”

“You’ll like it.” That was something I didn’t doubt. She just needed to be led to that point.


“If you want me to stay, don’t argue with me,” I told her.

Her jaw dropped. “Well, that’s mean.”

I shot her a grin. “You’re used to people blowing smoke up your ass. I’m not going to do that.”

“I certainly hope not.”

Her voice sounded prim, prudish, but her expression gave her away. She was amused.

Pulling down the road that would take us to the cabin, or shack in more exact terms, I realized I didn’t have any condoms on me. That was going to put a dent in my plans. But we could work around it for the afternoon, then I would have to go to the store anyway. There wasn’t any food and I wouldn’t trust the water for drinking.

“If I say I don’t like something, you will stop, right?” she asked, sounding timid and vulnerable.

That had me slamming on the brakes and turning to her. “Yes. You have my word on that.” I put the car in park. “That is not what I meant.” I reached out and touched her smooth cheek, her skin so soft and flawless. “I just meant that you’re going to want it. I know you are.”

“You’re kind of arrogant,” she murmured.

I gave her a smirk. “I think it’s called being an alpha male. Women love them, haven’t you heard?”

“I guess that’s why I’m sitting here,” she said.

That made me shake my head. “No, you’re sitting here because your former fiancé is a dick and you are brave as fuck to dump him.” I meant that. She was a badass for pulling the plug. I could only imagine the chaos that was going on back at that church, and she had known that would happen.

“I don’t feel very brave. I should have called it off last week when I found out.”

“Better late than never.”

Bella was biting her lip. “Hey. Don’t worry,” I said. “You’re entitled to your feelings, you know.”

She nodded. “I am worried. But I feel free at the same time. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah. It totally does. Now let’s check out this shithole I brought you to.”
