Page 35 of The Breakup

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Instead she kissed me back and we fell onto the mattress in a tangle of arms and her long, blond hair.

Christian kissed me with urgent and aggressive kisses and I thought I should hate it. But I didn’t. There was something about his intensity that was more comforting than frightening. The way he stared at me, as though he well and truly saw me, always stopped me a little in my tracks. No one really saw me. They saw what they thought was me. The pampered princess. The basic beauty. The rich girl. The arm candy.

Not many people cared about discovering who Bella really was. But the way Christian looked at me, his gaze unwavering, his icy blue eyes penetrating, I felt as if he was actually interested in me.

His kisses felt the same way. Not like he was trying to take from me, but as if he found me so fascinating he had to have more, over and over. As we settled back onto the mattress, our breathing hot and heavy in the dim and quiet room, I closed my eyes and gave into the kiss. To the passion. To him.

There was no outside world. There was just here, this caboose filled with stale air, warm and still. There was only Christian above me, his face so new to me, yet so attractive. I ran my hands up his arms, wanting to test and feel his muscles. His smell was earthy, masculine. He didn’t wear any cologne that I could tell, and his beard was rough.

I didn’t speak when he stood up and retrieved a clean sheet and threw it down onto the bed. I just tucked in the edges so it would stay secure and watched him, my heart racing with excited anticipation. He knelt over me and gave me a smile that made my insides tighten with desire. He put more sex appeal into a smile than any man I’d ever met in my life.

When he shifted the neckline of my sundress so he could suck the swell of my breast, I stiffened slightly, then relaxed. I wanted this. I wanted to see what he could do to me. How he could make me feel. I wanted to feel sexy. Normal. Desirable.

As he kissed my neck, his finger teased at my nipple and I wanted to tell him not to bother, that my breasts weren’t sensitive. But whatever he was doing felt oddly good. It was sending little jolts through me that stirred an ache between my thighs. I gave a sigh without meaning to.

“Does that feel good?” he murmured.

“Yes,” I said, and I could hear the wonderment in my voice. It did feel good. It was curious and strange. “My…aren’t usually sensitive, but this is…something.”

“Your nipples, you mean?” he asked, running his thumb back and forth over one of them. “You have perfect nipples, Bella. So pink and tight and delicious.”

“Oh,” I said, feeling flustered. I had never received a compliment on my nipples before. I was going to ask him how nipples differed, but then he lowered his mouth and drew one in to suck gently and thoroughly. “Oh,” I repeated, this time from surprise. What the heck was happening to me?

Christian had slow, persistent movements. His fingers brushed over me, down to my hips, teasing across the front of my thighs, back up to my breasts. On to my shoulder, my neck, my lips. All while he tasted my nipple, flicking his tongue over first one, then the other. It felt like he had all the time in the world, like he was taking a lazy trip down the river, not trying to get in my pants.

I didn’t know what to do with myself, with my hands, and I kept moving them, shifting, trying to find the right place to rest them. On his back. His shoulders. By my sides. His head. Christian lifted his mouth from my chest and gazed up at me. “Bella.”


“I’m going to move your hands and I don’t want you to freak out. Do you trust me?”

That was a frightening question. I wasn’t totally sure of the answer. I stared down at him, his pale eyes filled with desire and maybe something like compassion. I thought about how he could have taken advantage of me in my drunken wine-and-doughnut haze when I had basically thrown myself at him asking for sex. He had turned me down. He had picked me up without question when I had texted him. And he had backed off in the cabin just twenty minutes earlier when I had panicked a little.

“Yes. I trust you.”

He kissed me. “Thank you.” His lips teased over mine as he raised my arm up above me on the mattress.

Suddenly I felt the cool slide of fabric over my hand, tightening on my wrist. I jerked, trying to move it away, but it was locked in place. “Christian! Did you just tie me up?” I was aghast. “I told you I like vanilla, basic sex. Just put it in and be done with it,” I said, feeling more than a little freaked out.

Him telling me not to freak out wasn’t going to prevent it from happening.

“You also told me you want to expand your skill set.” Christian ran his fingers over my lips and down my chest. “Just relax, princess. I promise you’ll like it. You need to let go, Bel. You need to close your eyes and feel your body.”

“I feel my body,” I protested.

“Then this should be fun.” He was already shifting my other hand into a restraint on the opposite side of the headboard.

The sensation of having my arms spread over my head, my breasts pushed forward, made me feel exposed, vulnerable. My natural reaction was to clamp my legs tightly together. I was glad my dress was still on even if the neck was yanked down.

“Now you don’t have to worry about your hands,” he said. “It was distracting you. And me. I solved a problem, so just go with it.”

He was already back to sucking my nipple and I drew in a few deep breaths, trying to relax, pondering what he had said. He was right. I had been distracted. This did remove my concerns, even though it felt foreign and more than a little naughty. It also had the effect of lifting my breasts toward him, and I had to admit, there was something sexy about that. I sucked in a breath when his big, rough hand shifted under my dress and massaged my clit. He was so gentle, so seductive, yet everything about him, from his hands, to his chest, to his jaw, was hard, rough.

I shivered and jerked away when suddenly the soft whisper of a feather ran down the side of my bare breast. “Christian, no…” I murmured. “I don’t think…”

But I lost the thought when it shifted over my wet nipple and it felt sexy. Arousing. Just a simple, erotic tease. “Oh.” There was an answering pull between my thighs, deep inside me. I shifted my legs, uncrossing my ankles, feeling a restless awakening.
