Page 39 of The Breakup

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“Told you I could make you come,” I said with more arrogance than I intended.

Her throat moved visibly when she swallowed. “I stand corrected.”

“Do you want that glass of wine now?”

She nodded.

I reached down, and unable to resist, tapped her monstrous engagement ring. “So now you know there is a lot of fun to be had between vanilla sex and ass play. A whole lot of fun.”

Christian turned and I lay there, my dress bunched around my waist, stunned. He had a strong back, the muscles rippling as he reached up over his head in a stretch, like he needed to loosen up. I had definitely loosened up. More than I could have thought possible.

His tongue…

His cock…

I pictured it driving into me again and felt a hot flush rush over my entire body. I had never looked at a cock entering me before, at least not at that particular angle, where it really was like being drilled. It seemed so improbable and so unbelievably sexy.

I thought about his words. I didn’t like the implication that I was not into sex.

“I told you I like sex,” I said. “That’s not the issue.” I don’t know why I didn’t just give him the credit he deserved. Maybe because he was arrogant enough already.

Christian glanced at me over his shoulder as he pulled out a bottle of wine from the chiller. “There’s only one issue and it’s related to that ring on your finger. Otherwise, I don’t see any issues at all.”

He meant that Bradley hadn’t gotten me off, and in a way, he was right. It wasn’t that I never had an orgasm with Bradley, but it took significant effort on his part and major concentration on mine. But I didn’t want to talk about Bradley. Ever again. I wanted to just revel in the newfound knowledge that I could orgasm with relative ease when I relaxed and let go. That having Christian go down on me could be sexy, not awkward.

If he could, some other man in the future could too, right?

Someday I would think about what had been different with Christian. Why I had been so turned on. But later. I didn’t want to think right now and ruin the mood.

Readjusting my dress so it covered my top and bottom parts, I rolled onto my side and propped my head up with my palm. “I don’t want to talk about issues.”

He popped the cork. “Good. Because I don’t even want to talk.”

Me either. Not about Bradley. Or issues. And not about the Tiffany ring that cost more than some people’s brand-new cars. Because it clearly bothered Christian I pulled it off my finger and rolled it between my flesh of my thumb and index finger, surprised at how little I felt removing it. I had been wearing that ring for over a year, its weight a part of me. I loved the sparkle when I reached for things, and the compliments from the nail techs when I got a manicure. I loved the message it sent to everyone—she is loved. She is worthy of a diamond.

So much show and bullshit. Why do we ascribe so much value to a piece of jewelry? A man’s love isn’t measured by the karats he can buy. So if I was honest with myself, why wouldn’t I have been content with an inexpensive ring, more sentimental than valuable?

Because I needed the proof.

That thought made me relinquish the ring without hesitation.

I had left my purse in the cabin, so I stretched my arm and set the ring up on the shelf next to a dildo. Diamonds and a fake dick. The thought made me feel a little ridiculous. I rolled onto my back and laughed softly. What a bizarre juxtaposition.

This was as far from how today was supposed to go as you could possibly get.

And yet…this version was better than standing at the altar vowing to love and cherish Bradley until death do us part. Because that was no longer my truth. It would have been a total lie. I didn’t want any more lies. I wanted the truth, no matter how unpleasant or plebeian.

Right at this moment my truth was I had been able to orgasm. It felt absolutely freeing. I was downright giddy.

I sat up when Christian handed me a glass of wine. I sipped it delicately. “So your brother is quite the ladies’ man. Actually, I guess all of you Jordan brothers are.”

He sat down next to me, still naked. It didn’t seem to make him uncomfortable. Though why would it? He looked like the perfect male specimen naked. He drank half the glass in one swallow. “I’m thirsty. And I am not going to discuss any of my brothers with you. They can fuck off.”

“I wasn’t planning to trade you out. I am just curious.”

“Don’t even joke about that.” He took the glass of wine back from me and set it on the shelf. “Seriously.”
