Page 63 of The Breakup

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Duh. Of course he was at work. I knew his schedule as well as mine because we worked four nights together. But I took it as encouraging that he had answered me right away. I didn’t know what to say to that so I didn’t say anything.

A minute later he texted again.

Did you need something? Are you okay?

What did I need? That was a loaded and complicated question. What did I need from Christian? Unbidden, thoughts of being with him at the cabin popped into my head. He had made me feel things sexually I had never expected would exist for me. At the memory, my nipples tightened. Yes, there was definitely something I needed. I was barefoot, wearing pajama shorts and a tank top and I suddenly felt very naked.

I’m okay. Just…lonely. ;)

I meant the wink to be suggestive. A hint. A poke to see how he would react.

I wanted a connection with him. I could admit that to myself. I also did really want to know if the sex would be as good now as it had been four weeks ago. I added,

Want to come over?

You can’t do this, Bella. You can’t just expect me to drop everything to be your fuck boy whenever you want.

Wow. That was harsh. Though he had a point. But at the same time, these were his rules from the beginning. I should just let it go, but he had hurt my feelings. And now I felt stubborn.

Except that you are my fuck boy. You were never anything else according to your definition of what we were.

I had wanted to be his friend. Hell, I had wanted to date until I had found out about Ali being with Cain. I still wanted to be his friend. My skin felt hot and I shifted on the bench. So what the hell was I doing? I couldn’t forget about how complicated everything was. And I couldn’t make things any more complicated than they already were. Especially considering I might be pregnant.

Are you trying to bait me?

Yes. I was.

Then I texted him again before he could answer.

No. Never mind.

I hate it when someone says never mind.

This was a great conversation. Not. Of course, what did I expect? We hadn’t exactly ended our weekend together on good terms and now I had texted him clear out of the blue.

I didn’t even answer him because I had no idea what to say now. This was uncharted territory for me. I tapped my bottom lip and tried to come up with some kind of witty comeback. It’s a fact I suck at them. I had nothing.

I found your necklace.

That made me frown.

What necklace?

The horseshoe.

My hand flew to my neck. I knew it wasn’t there. I had lost it the day I left the cabin. I realized it when I got to my parents’ house. I had texted the Uber driver but he didn’t find it in his car. It wasn’t valuable, but it was sentimental to me. It had seemed like a bad omen. Like my luck hadn’t been changing at all. If anything, it was going in reverse.

OMG I’m so happy! Where did you find it?

In the fire pit.

Oh geez, well, thanks. I’m glad you found it. My father gave that to me for my sixteenth birthday.

Not that he would care about my backstory.

Did you just find it?

Yes. I went to the cabin yesterday on my day off.
