Page 69 of The Breakup

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Chapter 14

Christian didn’t seem to understand the point of holding off on sex. Instead of grasping the concept that I wanted to spend time getting to know each other with our clothes on, he seemed determined to adhere to my rules, but on his terms. He hadn’t been lying when he had said he was an alpha male. I couldn’t hold the line against his assault.

He stacked our dates as quickly as I would allow him.

And I was pretty much a giant pushover.

I did reprimand him. “The point is to get to know each other,” I said when he tried to con me into showing him my bedroom when he picked me up on Monday. “Have conversations.”

“I know. I can talk all night.” His eyebrows went up and down.

I shoved him out my front door. “I do not mean with your dick.”

That made him laugh. “But I have so much to say with my dick. And look at you loosening up and using slang for a body part.”

I shot him a look. “Where are we going?”


“Really?” I was disappointed. I wasn’t big into sailing because I wasn’t a fan of the water.

“I’m kidding. I know you don’t like the water.” He took my hand easily in his.

Relief coursed through me. And I was pleased he had remembered that about me. “You’re a punk.”

“Totally. No, seriously, we’re going to the last night of the blueberry festival. There is music and obviously blueberries.”

“That sounds fun.” I loved festivals and fairs. “When we were kids, I made my parents take me to the county fair every year. Sophie hated it. She thought it was boring. It took a lot to excite her. I was the opposite. Everything made me happy. I was easy to awe.” I could still picture my sister’s frowning face, her owl eyes blinking as she took in various animals, food stands, and entertainment.

“I can see that about you.” Christian opened the passenger door of his car for me.

“My father always said Sophie never enjoyed anything because she was smart. He never said I was dumb, but that was the implication. That I was, I don’t know, vapid. Isn’t it weird how our parents influence us in ways they don’t mean to?” It gave me a tremor of fear. I didn’t want to do that to my child.

“It’s inevitable. We all bring our bias and our baggage to our kids. But all you can do is weigh your words.” He shut the door after I got in.

When he was behind the wheel, he said, “I told you my father is in prison, right? When I was a teenager he tried to get me involved in his criminal activities. One time I acted as a lookout for him when he was stealing and that was it. I was done. I decided he hadn’t done enough for me for me to risk my entire future on his behalf.” He smiled. “See? Baggage. We’re all dragging it around. And I created the same future for my son, without meaning to.”

“How is Camp?” I asked, realizing I had taken the conversation in a somewhat melancholy direction.

“He’s good, though I worry that he doesn’t talk more. Maybe I don’t work with him enough.”

“I think boys talk later than girls.”

He snorted. “There’s a shocker. I think you started talking as a baby and haven’t even stopped to breathe since.”

I swatted his arm. “I can talk to Camp if you want, since I’m clearly so good at it.”

Christian glanced over at me. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, because I know you’ve already met Camp, but I don’t know how much time you should spend with him at this point. I don’t want him to get attached to you. Ali already ditched out on him. He doesn’t need women in and out of his life.”

While it mildly hurt my feelings, I respected that as a father he had to put his son first. It made my heart swell with gratitude for him. “Of course. I completely understand that, Christian.”

“Thanks, Bella. I knew you would.”

We moved on to talking about fair rides and our favorite foods. I felt like we were mastering the art of casual conversation with each other. When we arrived, Christian paid for my ticket without hesitation and shushed me when I protested.

“I am paying for your ticket because this is a real date, remember? Number two. If you’re keeping count. I know I am.” He winked at me.

Damn it, why did he have to be so hot? “I need fried foods,” I told him. “Preferably with cheese.”
