Page 29 of Steady and Strong

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The jealousy she’d heard when Luca mentioned Trina’s name was now absent. Instead, he was looking at Luca—God, and her—with an interest that made Harper’s heart skip a beat.

“I never went to prom,” she admitted, grasping for something to distract herself from Luca’s strong hands, rubbing and caressing her feet, and Conor’s hungry look.

“Really?” Luca asked.

“I didn’t attend a traditional school. Because I traveled so much, I had a private tutor from the time I was ten, right through to graduation. Not sure I care much about missing most of the drama and angst associated with high school, but I am sorry I didn’t get to go to prom.”

“You would have liked it.” Luca’s strong thumbs dug deep into the balls of her feet, the part that was the sorest.

“So you got lucky after prom and now you’re the foot rub king. And you just accused Conor of bragging about his cleaning lady,” Harper teased, her giggle quickly turning to a groan when Luca hit a spot…the perfect spot.

She was fighting off some serious issues with arousal when it came to these two men, and rather than do the mature thing and start mentally listing all the reasons why it would be a bad idea to indulge in an affair with one of them, her thoughts took off in the wrong direction as she considered how each of them might be as lovers.

Conor struck her as the type of man to be slow but thorough, the kind of lover who made sure the woman came first—and maybe more than once.

While Luca… God, she’d bet anything he would fuck hard and fast, his passion laced with delicious roughness.

Both ways sounded damn good to her.

And to add insult to injury, her new motto began playing on repeat in her mind, as she hoped one of them might ask her out.

Because this girl…

This girl says yes!

Chapter Six

“Shit!” Gio cussed loudly, slamming his hand down on the armrest of the recliner. “They’re losing to Toronto, for God’s sake!”

The Stingrays were currently getting their asses handed to them in game seven of the quarterfinal.

“It’s not looking good,” Rafe grumbled. “Two behind with only five minutes left to play.”

“They’re choking,” Joey added. “Always the same fucking thing.”

“Jesus H. Christ!” Aldo exclaimed, while Kayden and Miles merely shook their heads in disgust as the Stingrays took a penalty for high-sticking.

“What in the actual motherfuck was that?!” Liza yelled at the TV.

“Charming as always, Princess.” Matt wrapped his arm around Liza’s shoulders. Clearly, Matt wasn’t as invested in the outcome of the game as the rest of them.

“Bite me,” Liza retorted, not even looking in Matt’s direction.

Until he said, “Remember that invitation when we get home.”

Luca had to hand it to Matt. He’d found a way to distract Liza from the game.

She grinned, snuggling closer to her boyfriend, prompting Gage to throw his hands up. “Get a room, you two,” he groaned.

Matt rolled his eyes. “Sure thing, Gage. Because none of us has gotten annoyed with you stroking and kissing Penny’s stomach all damn afternoon.”

“Hey,” Penny retorted, lifting Gage’s hand to place it on her stomach. “I think that’s sweet…most of the time,” she added after a brief pause.

Penny’s baby bump had arrived, and with it, Gage’s utter obsession with touching and talking to his future child. It had been cute at first, but when Gage bent down to loudly sing the Canadian National Anthem to Penny’s stomach, they’d all begged him to give the child and his—or her—mother a break.

It had been an awesome day. They’d gathered a half hour before game time, loading platters with Harper’s appetizers, setting up the first round of beers, and fighting over where to sit. After that, it had been nonstop eating, drinking, bitching, and laughing.

“Why aren’t they pulling the fucking goalie?” Kayden asked.
