Page 40 of Steady and Strong

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Luca was the first to spot Harper when she walked into the restaurant, handing whatever tool he was using to the man next to him and asking him to take over.

“This is a surprise. Didn’t think I’d see you until tonight.” Luca hugged her, their usual greeting these days. He was such a big teddy bear, and she loved the way he engulfed her in his arms, lifting her off her feet a few inches every time, making her laugh…and horny.

“Summer is coming,” she said, in her deepest, most dramatic Game of Thrones voice. “And I think that calls for a picnic.” She lifted the basket. “I was hoping I could encourage you and Conor to pack it in a little early and walk to Franklin Square with me.”

“You had me at picnic.” Luca looked around until he spotted Conor. The building was buzzing with activity, at least ten men all working at the moment. “Hey, Conor,” he called out.

Conor smiled when he saw her, taking off the tool belt strapped around his waist and placing it on the ground. Harper couldn’t believe the difference a couple weeks could make. Mr. Bespoke Suits was nowhere to be seen on the weekends, this Conor decked out in jeans and a light blue cotton T-shirt. He brushed sawdust off his hands as he approached. While Luca hugged hello, Conor’s greeting came in the form of a brief kiss on the cheek. “What are you doing here? I thought we weren’t going to see you until later.”

Last night, after the movie ended, Luca suggested they take advantage of the warm weekend weather by doing something outdoors. As such, the three of them had made plans to go roller skating in Dilworth Park. It had actually been Conor’s idea, when he confessed he’d never been skating but had always wanted to try.

“The skating is still on,” she reassured them. “I was just hoping to entice you out into the sunshine a little earlier. I was going stir crazy in that hotel room.”

Luca pointed to the basket. “She’s packed us a picnic.”

While Luca looked pleased whenever she brought food, Conor’s expression always seemed equal parts touched and surprised, as if he couldn’t believe someone was doing something for him. Which made her even more curious about the man.

One of the subjects Conor was decidedly closemouthed about was his parents. Apart from the little bit he’d shared the night they all kissed, he was quite adept at changing the subject whenever it turned to his family, or—now that she thought about it—himself.

“That was very thoughtful of you.” He took the basket from her.

“So what do you say? Wanna blow off work early?” she asked.

Both men nodded.

“Let me tell Joey we’re heading out. He can oversee things until quitting time, then lock up.” Luca walked over to his brother, leaving her alone with Conor.

A couple of men glanced their direction, or probably it was more accurate to say her direction. She noted, with some pleasure, the number of looks she received whenever she showed up here was going down. It was what Harper longed for. She was no stranger to people staring at her, paparazzi flashing cameras in her face, or fans approaching for autographs or selfies. But as she became a more permanent fixture in Philadelphia, with a day-to-day routine that didn’t vary too much, she was seeing the same people, who were starting to view her as just Harper rather than the supermodel or Siren’s Smile. It was nice.

Luca rejoined them. “Okay, we’re all good, although Joey says you owe him one of those Reuben’s you made us for lunch last week as payment for him doing, and I quote,” he made air quotes, “‘Luca’s job for him.’”

“I accept the debt.” Harper tried hard not to reveal how pleased she was when Conor reached for her hand and Luca wrapped his arm around her waist, as the three of them headed out together.

Yeah, professional schmofessional.

She wanted them.


“All I’m saying is,” Luca said, as he unlocked the door to the restaurant a few hours later, “we didn’t establish a time limit on me collecting.”

The picnic had been a blast as the three of them chowed down on turkey, apple, and brie sandwiches and caprese salad before venturing over to take a spin on the carousel. Then Luca had challenged them both to a game of mini golf, proclaiming the losers had to honor any request the winner made of them.

Conor had argued about the prize, saying it was too open-ended. However, Luca—the persuasive bastard—ultimately convinced them to take the bet. And then the shark had soundly trounced them.

Conor hadn’t taken the loss well, attempting to pay off his debt right away so it could be forgotten. “The assumption was you’d make your request immediately.”

Luca shook his head. “That should have been stated up front. Because I’m not sure what request I want to make just yet.”

“He’s going to drag this out and torture us with it for ages, isn’t he?” Harper asked, laughing.

Conor crossed his arms. “I think we can bank on that.”

After leaving Franklin Square, they’d walked to the restaurant together because Luca and Conor’s cars were parked here. Conor had offered to give her a ride back to the hotel so she could change before tonight’s outing.

Harper wasn’t sure that she’d ever wanted to spend so much time with two people. She would have expected the three of them to get sick of each other at some point, but that day didn’t seem to be approaching anytime soon. They always had a good time, and as soon as one get-together ended, they were already planning the next.
