Page 69 of Steady and Strong

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“What guy?” Conor asked coyly, painfully aware what they were talking about.

When Harper shared her fantasy with them, it had blown the lid off something Conor had always kept carefully locked away. The idea of chasing her through the woods, a predator in search of his prey, had been too heady to resist. When he and Luca first left the cabin, Conor had told himself he would keep the game simple, a vanilla version of her chase request.

Then he’d seen her struggling in Luca’s arms, watched her fight in earnest, and there had been no chance of him holding his dormant inner alpha at bay.

Harper and Luca knew Conor liked to read, and they’d even spent one evening perusing his bookshelves, the three of them discussing many of the books they’d found there. What they’d never seen were the racier titles in the reading app on his phone.

Conor enjoyed steamy stories, finding them hotter than watching porn.

“You know exactly what guy,” Harper insisted. “That growly, gruff, hot-as-fuck man who knew all the right things to say. I swear to God, I think I could have come just from the words coming out of your mouth.”

Conor chuckled and shook his head. “Trying to decide if I should be annoyed that you and Luca have both pigeonholed me into the uptight, stuffy businessman role.”

Luca reached out, taking Conor’s hand in his. “There’s not a damn thing uptight or stuffy about you, and we both know it.”

Harper nodded in agreement.

“Though it’s clear you’ve been holding out on us,” Luca continued. “You’ve been letting me call the shots in the bedroom, which I’ll admit I enjoy. But it’s suddenly become obvious that I’m better suited to be your assistant coach, letting you call the plays.”

Conor laughed. “It’s always sports with you, isn’t it?”

“Absolutely. So I’m passing the ball off to that guy.”

That guy.

Conor had sure as fuck liked being that guy.

“You gonna take the lead?” Harper asked.

Hell yeah, he was.

“You liked what we did in the woods?” Conor asked, not because he needed clarification. Harper had done nothing but talk about how she thought she was going to die from what she was calling her “greatest orgasm ever.”

He asked because he wanted more information.

Luca and Harper nodded emphatically.

Conor looked at Harper. “Which part turned you on? Being our captive or being our baby girl?”

Harper, the shameless minx, gave him a saucy grin. “I have to choose?”

He chuckled. “No. You don’t have to choose. Do you remember your safe word?”

She nodded. “Cheeseburger.”

Game on.

Conor rose from the floor, then turned his attention to Luca, schooling his features. “Did we give our baby girl permission to put on clothes?” he asked in a deep, menacing voice. “Because Goldilocks doesn’t get to hide her body from us.”

Luca got into the spirit of the game immediately. Standing and crossing his arms, he gave Harper a stern frown. “Get undressed.”

Harper’s hands were at the hem of her T-shirt before he finished his request. She whipped it, her bra, comfy lounge pants, and panties off in record time, until she was standing in front of them naked.

Harper never tried to shield her body from them, confident in her curves and in her ability to seduce them.

She gave them a wink, but they didn’t take the bait. Didn’t break character.

“We never punished her for coming without permission earlier, did we?” Conor asked Luca.
