Page 98 of Steady and Strong

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“Luca, I can’t—” That was all Conor managed to say before he came as well. So much for warning him.

Not that the warning was necessary. Luca’s climax was hot on the heels of Conor’s.

He felt Luca coming, his steady thrusts devoid of rhythm now as he slammed in just three times more.

Conor melted, his upper body pressed flat against Harper, who placed soft kisses on the side of his head. He grunted as Luca withdrew, dropping next to them on the mattress.

“Jesus,” Luca said, panting heavily.

Conor twisted, falling to the opposite side of Harper, his strength completely zapped.

They lay there together for so long, Conor wondered if they’d fallen asleep. God knew he was on the verge. They’d fucked every ounce of energy right out of him. A two- or twenty-hour nap sounded damn good right about now.

“That was incredible,” Luca said softly. “Thank you, Conor. For being my first.”

“Thank you for letting me be a part of it,” Harper added. “And for trusting us enough to tell us about your mom and your panic attacks.”

These two people.

Conor stared at them, marveling over the fact he was here with them, happier than he’d ever been in his entire life.

“I love you,” Conor whispered, the words coming out before he could think about it. The second he said them aloud, he felt that familiar, horrible pang in his chest. “I’m sorry,” he quickly backtracked. “It’s too soon to say?—”

“I love you too, you sexy nerd,” Luca replied, leaning up on his elbow, cutting him off. Then he looked down at Harper and tapped the end of her nose, making her giggle. “I love both of you.”

Harper didn’t say anything at first, though Conor didn’t think it was because she didn’t feel the same way. It was more like she was struggling to speak through the happy tears sliding down her cheeks.

“So in love,” she finally managed to squeak out. “I didn’t know I could ever feel this happy.”

They shared slow, soft kisses, sealing the words in, and the weight on Conor’s chest flew away, leaving him here, floating on a cloud of bliss without a care in the world.

Chapter Seventeen

“I’m so glad you liked it,” Harper said, reveling in Nonna Moretti’s praise.

Tonight marked the soft opening of Harper’s Dining Room. For the trial run, she and Conor had decided to host a private party, inviting family and friends as the first patrons.

The place was packed to the rafters—thanks to all the Morettis in attendance—and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Her waitstaff was doing a wonderful job, and she was thrilled with the line cooks she’d hired. There had been only a couple of hiccups tonight, but overall, everything was running like a well-oiled machine.

In just one week, the restaurant opened to the public, and after this event, she felt confident they were ready.

“It’s all just so perfect, Harper,” her mother gushed. Mom and Luna had driven down from New York together.

Mom had lost her shit when she’d heard about Bradley’s attack, arriving in Philadelphia exactly three hours after Harper had called to tell her about it, despite reassuring her mother she was fine. She had introduced Mom to Luca and Conor during that visit, but she hadn’t come out and introduced them as her boyfriends. Her mom had been too distraught by the attack, so she and the guys agreed the time wasn’t right.

Nonna had wasted no time hooking arms with Mom, taking her around the room to introduce her to everyone when she arrived.

Luna had attached herself to Harper instead, leaning on one of the counters in the kitchen, demanding all the details about Harper’s not one but two hot-as-hell boyfriends. Harper had been a bit nervous coming clean to her mother and best friend about her relationship status because while threesomes felt normal when she was with Luca’s family, it was pretty unimaginable for Mom and Luna and the rest of the world.

She’d finally had to shoo Luna out, with the promise they could do a long lunch tomorrow where she would “tell all.”

“I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed you.” Harper reached out, squeezing her mom’s hand, the two of them sharing a smile before Harper moved on, making her rounds of the tables, asking for honest opinions of things that needed to be tweaked.

Matt, Liza, Gage, and Penny—who was slowly rocking her one-month-old daughter, Willow—sat together at the corner booth she’d shared with Luca and Conor the night of their prom.

Conor was standing next to the table, the five of them in deep discussion.
