Page 74 of Ice Falls

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“Hm.” He let go of the picture frame and turned his attention to the nightstand. He opened the drawer and peered inside. If there was anything in there besides a bible, she’d eat her sports bra.

“I’m going to take a shower,” she announced.

“Wait, let me check out the bathroom.” He disappeared into it and she heard the clang of toilet seat and shower door.

She sighed as she watched her chances of luring Sam into more bedroom fun slip away. He was entirely too focused on keeping them safe. Which she appreciated, she really did. Get a grip.

“All clear.” Sam came out of the bathroom and went straight to the plasma screen mounted on the wall facing the bed.

She added some swing to her hips as she brushed past him on her way to the bathroom. Maybe that would pull his focus away from his inspections of a hotel room that the Chilkoots would have no way of anticipating they’d book. Wasn’t that the whole point of switching hotels?

In the bathroom, she stripped off her clothes. A lump in her jeans gave her pause—then a shock when she realized it was her phone, and she hadn’t even thought to check it once they reached Blackbear with its modern-era cell towers.

She turned it on, and immediately the screen filled with missed text messages. Apparently her law firm was in turmoil. Her favorite legal assistant was blowing up her phone with news about the partner who’d left and started his own firm, and the high-stakes battle over clients, and which lawyers were going with him and which were staying put.

Where are you? You should be here. Perfect opportunity to make your move.

Her move? She could picture it playing out. Picking a side—but only after extracting a price. Stepping into the breach. Playing whatever politics needed to be played to secure her position. Renegotiating her terms. Ending up with more money and a higher spot in the pecking order.

But it all felt very far away at the moment. Elias, he was here and he needed her. They’d bonded, and he was about to face even more challenges. He might have to navigate meeting his real parents. He might have to provide more information about the Chilkoots. He might be missing the other kids he’d grown up with.

All of that was more interesting to her than going back to New York and fighting to become king of the Bentley and Hodges jungle.

Not to mention Sam…

No, he had nothing to do with it. Irrelevant. She didn’t make decisions based on a man. She turned off her phone and set it on the back of the toilet seat.

In the shower, she closed her eyes and let hot water cascade over her body. She moaned out loud at the exquisite sensation, and made a mental note that if you really wanted to enjoy a shower, try getting shot at, then hiking through the forest for hours, then hopping on a plane to civilization, then spending time with the FBI watching a kid you cared about get interrogated. Best shower experience ever.

It got even better when she heard a tap on the shower door. Her stomach clenched hard as she opened her eyes and saw Sam’s silhouette through the frosted glass. “Who is it?” she called, playing clueless.

“It’s the plumber. We got a report of a problem with this shower.”

Oh, Sam. He wanted to play games, did he?

“What’s the problem? It seems to be working. I’m naked and very wet.”

She heard a muffled choking sound on the other side of the door.

“It’s…uh…the water. I have to check the water quality. Make sure it’s up to our guests’ standards. Only the best for our valued customers. Especially the sexy ones.”

Now they were getting somewhere. “How are you going to do that?”

“Hmm…probably do a test. I’ll have to lick it off your body, I suppose.”

Oh my. “Any particular part?”

“I like to be thorough, so I’m gonna say all parts.”

She bit her lip, torn between amusement and arousal. “Well, I guess you’d better come in, I don’t want to get you in trouble with management. But you’d better be naked.”

The door opened and Sam slipped into the steamy shower, large and muscular and naked and utterly swoonworthy. Molly wasn’t the swooning type, but with Sam around, that might change. He didn’t waste any time, just looped his arms around her so they both stood under the stream of hot water.

“Took you long enough,” she murmured. “Are you sure you checked everything out there? Did you make sure every speck of lint on the carpet isn’t hiding a listening device?”

“The carpet…crap…” He jokingly made to leave, but she anchored him to her with one leg around his. He gave in with a sigh. “If there is one, I guess they’ll get some entertainment tonight.”

He nuzzled her neck. His mouth was even warmer than the shower water, and the way he tongued her skin made heat pool in her lower belly. She let her head fall back, only to feel it supported by one of his big hands. The way he cradled her skull gave her a blissful sense of safety. This man wouldn’t let anything happen to her, but he’d also make wonderful things happen to her.
