Page 39 of Vicious Fall

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“I just got out of bed,” I tell him, folding my arms over my chest.

He’s still staring at my feet and I shift a little.

“I can tell,” he says dryly before his eyes lift to meet mine. “I’m sure you had time to slip on a pair of house shoes. You just chose not to. Maybe you’re getting a littletoocomfortable.”

My jaw clenches, not understanding what the big fucking deal is about the shoes. And frankly this Jekyl-Hyde act is getting old and Maximo does it much better. “What, are you threatening to look me up again, take away my freedoms?” I ask him.

“Winter.” The warning is clear.

I don’t head it.

Not even close.

“Do you have some fucked up sort of foot fetish or something, is that why you want everyone to wear shoes at all times in the house?”

Like really? What is the big deal?

Most people prefer that others go barefoot in their house to prevent them from tracking germs and dirt in.

I’ve never seen someone obsess about having them on.

A gasp leaves my lips when he grabs me suddenly, catching me off guard. He hoists me right off of my feet and onto his shoulder. A loud smack resonates through the room before pain moves through my ass and then we’re moving, my body bobbing against his shoulder as I try to figure out what in the hell is going on.

As the floor moves in my vision I have no idea where we’re going and I’m too scared to ask as I hold on for dear life.

I know that Giovanni is strong but I’m definitely not a lightweight.

Yet he carries me effortlessly up the stairs. These are the ones on the opposite side of the house from my room. I haven’t explored this side of the wing yet because I figured that it only led to bedrooms. I’m the only person with a room on my side of the compound and I know the others have to lay their head down at some point. And since they’re all always here, I assume they live here.

A door creaks as it opens before slamming closed and we’re enclosed by complete darkness.

I use my hands to clutch onto Giovanni but then I’m being thrown, flying through the air. I let out a scream, only to land on something soft, my body bouncing.

A light flickers on and I look around.

It doesn’t take me long to put the pieces together.

We’re in a bedroom.

Giovanni’s bedroom.

It’s bare as fuck, which is what tips me off to the fact that this is most definitely his room. The soft covers are dark, the metal bed frame almost having a gothic, but elegant vibe to it. His walls are completely white and lack any sign of decoration.

A black desk sits off to the side of the room, a lamp sitting on it, along with a few papers. There’s two nightstands on either side of his bed and when I peep over the side, I take in the fuzzy mats.

All black as well.

There’s two doors on opposite sides of the room. I’m assuming one is the closet and the other the bathroom.

Giovanni is still standing in front of the one that leads to the exit.

To me getting out of whatever hell I just tossed myself in.

I swallow, looking up at him in apprehension as he approaches the bed.

He stops just in front of it, placing a hand along the frame as he peers at me, his eyes dark. “I don’t know where this smart mouth of yours is suddenly coming from, but I know that I told you I was going to spank your ass if you did it again.” He leans closer, his eyes holding mine. “And you know one thing if nothing else about me, Winter, I’m not a liar.”

He’s absolutely right.
