Page 39 of Coming Home

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“Shehas a name,” I growl.

“Dang, kitten’s showing her claws. You better back off,” Wheeler teases Stubbs.

“Nah, I don’t think I will. None of you assholes can tell me what to do. If I want to talk toher, then I will and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Stubbs sets his beady eyes on me and lets them travel up and down the length of my body. A dark grin tugs at the corner of his lips and he glides his tongue over them.

I step deeper into Smithy’s arms. He doesn’t hesitate to tighten his hold. I think he knows I'm uncomfortable.

“I’ve got you, babe. I won't let him touch you,” he murmurs in my ear.

“None of these assholes can stop you, huh?” A deep voice growls from behind me. I peek over my shoulder to find Owen standing in the doorway of his office with a murderous glare aimed right at Stubbs.

“Owen, I-”

“I'm sorry, but I don’t remember ever giving you permission to call me Owen. I think since I'm the one signing your paycheck, you should probably refer to me as Mr. Powell.”

“I'm sorry, Mr. Powell.” The words coming out of Stubbs sound like an apology, but the glare on his face and the tension in his posture speaks volumes and all of its saying Stubbs has no respect for Owen.

“I’d like to point this little fact out to all of you, Charlie Robinson is like a daughter to me. I won't hesitate to bench your ass if you mistreat her or speak inappropriately about her.”

“That isn't fair. My behavior off the field shouldn’t dictate what happens on the field,” Stubbs growls.

“Oh, but it does, Stubbs. Everything you do will dictate what happens on the field. Do you want to know why I made Everson the captain? It’s because I can trust him to behave appropriately on and off of the field. I don’t need to watch him when he has a microphone shoved in his face, I know he’ll offer a smile and represent me and my team in a good light. I can't say the same about you.”

“Why isn't Smithy getting in trouble? He’s shirtless and hugging Charlie.” Stubbs motions wildly to us.

“Please! Smithy doesn’t have a chance in hell with her and he knows it. None of you idiots have a chance with her and the sooner you realize that the easier your life is going to be.”

“How would you know?” Stubbs isn't backing down and that shows a lot about his character.

He has no respect for his superiors or his elders. He clearly thinks he’s the greatest thing and doesn’t think he needs to answer to anyone. He’s the last man in the world I’d want to be with.

“Because Charlie would never date a man who doesn’t respect her family and Owen’s her family. If you think he can be scary, her dad is worse. She’s a daddy’s girl through and through, but she also has about a dozen uncles who will beat the shit out of you if you treat her wrong. You’d never last in a relationship with her because you wouldn’t fit in with her family. You’re not the type of manshe’d want to marry or start a family with.” Wyatt appears at Leo’s side and has a stern look aimed at Stubbs.

There’s so much bad blood between Stubbs and the rest of the team. I wonder if it’s always been like this or did I cause some of it?

“Oh, let me guess, you’re exactly what she’s looking for?” Stubbs scoffs and rolls his eyes. He’s so full of himself, it isn't attractive at all.

Wyatt stares at me for a few seconds and smiles sadly. “At one point in time, I was. Now, probably not.”

“Whatever. I'm out of here.” Stubbs spins on his heels and turns towards the exit.

“Your ass will stay in the weight room the rest of the day or you’re benched for the first game,” Owen’s stern words boom across the room, making everyone jump.

Stubbs pins him with another glare before stomping out of the room. He’s such an asshole. I hope he does get benched. He doesn’t deserve to play with the rest of these amazing men.

“You aren’t to touch him under any circumstance, Charlie. He can have one of the male physical therapists assigned to him. Don’t give him a massage or stretch him out no matter how much he begs. I don’t care if he’s injured and you’re the only one who can save his life. Let him fucking die. And please, don’t let yourself be alone in a room with him.” He scrubs a hand down his face. “Idon’t trust him and if anything happens to you, I’ll have to answer to Wes and Blake.”

“We’ll make sure she’s never alone,” Cord says firmly.

“We’ll keep an eye on her and keep her safe, boss.” Covey winks at me, making me smile.

I don’t know what I did to deserve the seven men standing around me, promising to protect me, but I’ll cherish these friendships forever. Wyatt, Leo, and Cord will always be special to me, but Smithy, Schmidt, Covey, and Wheeler are earning a place in my heart too.

Chapter 18


“We’re all going out for dinner. Are you coming?” Wheeler stops me as I head towards the parking lot. He slaps a hand on my back and continues walking with me.
