Page 4 of Coming Home

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“Your dad? He’s old!”

“He is not.” Charlie rolls her eyes. “Maybe you should ask him for some pointers on the best way to flirt with women. He clearly has a lot more wisdom in that field than you do.”

Charlie steps into Leo’s arms and murmurs something to him quietly enough that I can't hear them. He hugs her like a brother embracing his little sister and nothing more. He’s a smart man. If he tried anything else, I'm not sure I could control myself this time.

“Come see Macy!” She grabs his hand and pulls him away from us.

I follow them because what else am I supposed to do? I can't stay away from Charlie now that I know she’s here.

“Wyatt! What are you doing here? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever, yet we live in the same city!” Cici jumps out of the booth and flings her arms around my neck.

I hug her back and instantly feel bad for the distance I’ve put between us. I figured she’d be like everyone else and be team Charlie, so I didn’t seek her out. I assumed any friendship we once had was dead.

“Yeah, where have you been hiding your sexy face? Ugh, why do all the assholes need to be sexy? I just want one sexy nice guy!” Macy watches me carefully. She definitely isn't thrilled to see me.

“What about me?” Leo motions to himself.

“Eh, you’re too much of a pretty boy for me.” She waves him off.

“Gee, thanks,” he grumbles under his breath.

“Hey, Mace. How have you been?” I say softly.

“I guess that depends on if Cord’s with you.”

“Of course he’s with me.” I chuckle. “How often do you see me and Leo without Cord at our side?”

“Huh, it used to be Charlie at your side.” Macy pins me with a look. I swear she’s somehow more pissed about us breaking up than Charlie is. She never passes up a chance to make me feel guilty about how things went down.

I can't even be mad at her. Everything that’s happened between us over the last eight years is my fault and no one else’s. But there was a reason for my choices. I was thinking of her with every single one I made.

“It’s funny how things change, isn't it? Sometimes you think you won your very own Prince Charming, and then you realize he’s just another toad.” She folds her arms over her chest and aims an innocent smile at me. It’s fake. We both know Macy Hayes is the least innocent person in this bar. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

“Damn! Are you guys just a magnet for fine women?” Smithy steps up beside me with a big grin.

“Ladies, this is Smithy. Smithy, this is Cici, Cord’s sister, and Macy, Cord’s ex.” I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

“You know, I’d really prefer to not be labeled ‘Cord’s ex’ to every attractive man I meet.” Macy rolls her eyes. “I didn’t realize high school relationships still hold so much weight in this town.”

“Oh. Oh! Is that your way of warning for me to stay away from them?” His eyes glimmer with mischief and I can only imagine the thoughts going through his head.

“That’s the only warning you’ll get that Cord’s going to beat the crap out of you if you touch either one of them.”

“So… is there a warning attached to Charlie?” He turns his dazzling smirk on her and I instantly want to punch him in the face.

“Wyatt doesn’t need to give you a warning for me.” Charlie smiles sweetly. “I’m fully capable of kneeing you in the balls all by myself.” I swear she flutters her lashes as she issues her own threat.

“Dang, retract the claws, kitten.” Smithy holds up his hands, but he’s not backing down. He’s trying to figure out a new angle and as soon as he finds it, he’ll try again.

“She’s also Wyatt’s ex… kinda. Do we really consider you exes?” Macy looks between the two of us.

“We dated and we’re no longer dating. I'm pretty sure we’re exes.” Charlie rolls her eyes, but I catch the surge of emotion she’s trying to hide.

It was a mistake for us to break up. We both know it, but neither one of us is willing to take the leap and try to get back together… at least I wasn’t before tonight.

I ended things only a few months after we started dating. I didn’t do it because I didn’t love Charlie anymore or because I no longer wanted to date her. It was all for her.

She wanted to be a physical therapist and the best school for her was on the other side of the country. She knew I’d be moving home soon and she was planning on going to Rosewood University so we could be in the same city again.
