Page 211 of Avenging Angel

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“I’m talking to my sister,” she replied.

“No, you have an audience, and you’re at a party, and you interrupted a conversation, so you’re actually not,” I retorted. “You’re trying to make a scene.”

“I’m not about drama,” she shot back.

I couldn’t even think of what to say, that was such bullshit.

“Yeah, and I’m trying out for the Cardinals cheerleaders next year,” Jessie muttered.

I figured out what to say. “Right, time to exit your the-world-revolves-around-me bubble and look around. Luna spent all day setting this up. If you’re here to celebrate her and have a good time, great. If you’re here to be a bitch, spare your sister that on her big day, at least.”

Dream squared off on me, and how she did, I knew things were bad and about to get worse.

I was not wrong.

“That’s the second time you’ve called me a bitch.”

And then she made a grave mistake.

She finished it by leaning toward me and sniping, “Bitch.”

In the flash of an eye, I found myself staring at Cap’s back, and Dream finding her space seriously invaded by my guy.

Oh shit.

“I get a woman like you doesn’t like men like me because you can’t shit all over us and lead us around by our dicks,” he said in a low, dangerous voice. “But women like Raye who are strong enough to want a partner like me get some bonuses from that. One of them is that they don’t stand by and let a woman who’s regretting the choices she’s made in life take her shit out onhiswoman. Hear me, Dream. You do not call my woman a bitch in front of my face or ever. And it’s not my place to handle your shit, except when it’s Luna’s night and she’s put a fuck ton of work into throwing a party so she can enjoy the people she cares about. Newsflash, she invited you, so she cares about you. Fuck off with this damage you bring into her house. If you can’t be cool, get the fuck out.”

“Stand back, man, you’re leaking your toxicity all over me,” Dream returned.

“You’re mistaking who brought the toxicity to the party, Dream,” Cap fired back.

Luna shifted between them, but not to ask Cap to stand down.

She said to her sister, “Go.”

Dream’s eyes rounded. “You’re gonna just let him get in my face like that?”

“Dream,” she said in a small voice that gave me the opposing reactions of needing to pull her in my arms and making my head want to explode, it doing this before I delivered a bitch slap. “It’s my birthday.”

Dream glared at her, then Cap, then me, then for some reason, Gabe, Liam and Knox, then she turned on her hippie sandal and stormed out.

I didn’t even try to hold myself back.

I was done with this.

So I went after her.

“Raye!” Luna called.

I stopped, whirled and ordered, “Stay here.”

Then I took off.

I felt Cap with me, but kept going and shouted Dream’s name on the walkway.

She stopped and looked back at me. “I’ve had about enough of you tonight.”

“Never again,” I warned as I pulled up in front of her.
